Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by Graham »

I am going to drag it on a little bit more, sorry to Paul but I think it worth pointing out that whilst a lot of what valiant is asking for is not really to my mind core forum features, various MOD Authors have put together a form of API to allow easy integration of certain features into other applications, so we have single functions to insert posts, private messages, users and a method to easily extend the sessions system.

I think that this is how I would prefer it to stay - a stable core product, but with features like these available to those who actually need them through the MOD Community.
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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by wacky_hacky »

phpBB 2.2 already provides easier and better integration with CMS. If you would check the code and the MySQL scheme you would see it is already being developed with a portal in mind (phpBB portal) ;-).

Portal and CMS developers need to stand up and make a decision. If they want to use phpBB as forums for their CMS then they should make the effort to make it work.

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by Amorya »

I agree with whoever said it first, that the CMS should be developed around PHPBB.

I don't use any off the shelf CMS, I code my own pages and routines instead. Not as a matter of principle or anything, it's just easier to do what I want to do.

Each of my pages is linked tightly into PHPBB.

I don't think it's very realistic to expect PHPBB to work with some other code without being written with it in mind.


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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by oyuncu »

waiting for phpBBp
it will be good

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by Viperal2 »

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by Ferretlover »

the way I see it rather than rewriting either of the systems to be friendly with the other your best bet would be to have a pair of mods that work in tandem. First a portal mod that makes it so that it creates a phpbb user of the same information, and then a phpbb module that will take the info from the portal as to who is loged in when coming over from the portal.

This is a very simplistic solution, but simple is often better. If you wanted to get fancier you could combine the user prefs and even the portal admin area with the forum admin area, but if you are using the portal for pure content and the board for pure community, your user would only need to worry about the prefs in the board, not the portal really.

It would be kind of redundant to write every portal to play nice with every board, and at the same time every board to play nice with every portal.

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by ssbfalcon »

The only portal worthy of possesing phpbb forums is Mambo. Case closed. Simplicity in executing power. When was the last time you heard a mambo site hacked, unlike phpnuke's way too many(including an old one.) When was the last time another portal looked so good (Sorry you can't see the latest forms editor... only registered users) etc... etc...

Integrating with a portal causes more problems than it fixes. Especially when each upgrades every so often. For example, let's say you mod the mambo userbase to read phpbb's userbase. When mambo 4.6 (later 5.0) comes out and phpbb 2.2 come out. (I wouldn't be surprised if it's a week apart...) you'll have to redo whatever you did for the portal/forum integration for two new software sets. Also, modding becomes harder. There is a phpbb component for mambo (and phpnuke... :roll: ) but mods have to be specially rewritten. (easier for mambo) Thus, I, along with many, chose to keep them seperate.

Use this to compare CMS's Include Mambo, and see why it fares better than phpnuke, xoops, and many others... Not saying that there aren't better...

[sidenote]also check this out [/sidenote]

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by Smirnov »

Instead of complaining, this is why they a) invented Object-Oriented Programming (blackbox everything, makes it easy to maintain a program too), and b) functions. Instead of putting everything into one PHP script and using conditional statements, have the functions control everything (functions that can be called from non-parent scripts).

Anyways, since this is a 2.2, we shouldn't complain until we actually see their release candidates, from the features list they have here so far I'm sure they'll make phpBB the best forum yet and it'll also be the easiest yet to integrate into a CMS.

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by bug_face_uk »

You know I don't really care about any more integration than "unified login" which feels like it MUST be possible... I mean it's just taking a username and password and one of the buggers validating it and creating the session... I've implemented one of these before with my own content management system that just used to create the session and fill the right phpbb table so it thought they were logged in too.... It wasn't very hard... And the user system did much the same thing, create the user for MY CMS, insert the user into phpbb. Few other little bits... (they can only change their username and password in one system for example)...

I now use Mambo, and the phpbb integration for the is pants, keep meaning to write my own for it.

Anyhow, I'm in the let the forum writers write forums, and the CMS dudes write CMS. Then cross fingers clever people in the middle link them together :-)

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Re: Better integration into a CMS in phpbb 2.2 ?

Post by iar »

ssbfalcon wrote:The only portal worthy of possesing phpbb forums is Mambo. Case closed.
Quote from Mambo webpage -> What is Mambo:
Mambo is not a portal solution.

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