Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here.
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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
1) I'm guessing this is true, but only php is supported, right?
2) (and this is not really related) I'm making a mod to highlight any language. It's for phpBB 2.0.X at the moment, does anyone think it sounds interesting? If so, I'll also look into beginning work on a mod for 2.2.X (nothing final of course, just getting some basic code down, and changing it as the 2.2.X code changes, so it can be released quickly)
0racle wrote:Interested? [SPAM] (you'll have to register).
... how was that spam? That was a link to a demo thread!!!!
morpheus2matrix wrote:Here is what is planned for next step of the development of phpBB 2.2 :
Hah, I got there first . Here's another link, if it doesn't get removed. You don't have to register to see this, and it's not a phpBB orientated site (it just uses phpBB):