This is exactley the kind of post I expected to see. I have been a huge supporter of phpBB for quite some time. I have even spent many hours helping others over at the other site. It just seems to me that recently there has been a lot more bashing than actual help. I realize that some people can get very iritating at times. However its always better to try to be nice rather than bash. I understand that moderators like you have a job to do and make no issue with that, however there are a lot of posts by non-mods like "Read the rules", "That question isnt acceptable." I just think it would be nice if all of us were a little more considerate of others. Dont get me wrong at one time I was one of those that would say things like "You need to post this in forum ...." I just decided one day to let the mods due there job and only post if i could answer there question.
As to this topic I think the only people qualified to comment on whether it is a bug or intended function is the developers themselves. The rest of us dont know.
Bump topic
Forum rules
Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
Re: Bump topic
people, be nice... it is intended, yes. And no, it is not a bug. Feel free to add it to the tracker, but i do not think it will make it in. 
The Bump Feature is done with "no-abusing" in mind, there are some strict rules and restrictions who is able to bump. If someone has to add something really helpful he will post, wouldn't he?
The Bump Feature is done with "no-abusing" in mind, there are some strict rules and restrictions who is able to bump. If someone has to add something really helpful he will post, wouldn't he?
Re: Bump topic
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Becuase this is the way I want it to be, so if it is a bug it will get fixed later on, I am asking this instead of adding something to the tracker that may already be in place!!!geocator wrote:He is not reporting a bug people. Geeze. He wants to know from the developers not us whether this is how it is supposed to work.
Thank you geocator!!
Last edited by Draegonis on Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Unnecessary abuse of quotes
Reason: Unnecessary abuse of quotes
Re: Bump topic
Ok lemme explain in more detail here. With the bump topic feature, I noticed once bumped it does not work again after that. I like the way that works becuase on my board I would not want people infinitely bumping a topic. Although I am asking if it is a bug and not intended that way. If it is NOT a bug, great! im happy! IF IT IS A BUG, that would be nice to know so I can add something to the feature request about the NUMBER OF TIMES a user can bump a topic.
How do you guys see a bug report here? I really do not!
Anyways, I apologize for not being more clear in my first post, I did not think I had to be that specific.
Actually I did not want to be more specific like I did here becuase I would probably get a "DONT POST A FREAKING FEATURE REQUEST HERE! GO TO THE FREAKING SOURCEFORGE DUMB@$$!!!!"
At this board it is impossible, you cannot get away from it! you dont be specific enough and you get b****ed at for making a bug report and you get too specific and you get b****ed at for making a feature request.
Sorry if that came across kinda harsh but that is just my thoughts on this.
How do you guys see a bug report here? I really do not!
Anyways, I apologize for not being more clear in my first post, I did not think I had to be that specific.
Actually I did not want to be more specific like I did here becuase I would probably get a "DONT POST A FREAKING FEATURE REQUEST HERE! GO TO THE FREAKING SOURCEFORGE DUMB@$$!!!!"
At this board it is impossible, you cannot get away from it! you dont be specific enough and you get b****ed at for making a bug report and you get too specific and you get b****ed at for making a feature request.
Sorry if that came across kinda harsh but that is just my thoughts on this.
Re: Bump topic
And this has just got out of hand. All that needs to be said, has been said. Acyd Burn told us that it is not a bug. There is no need to drag this on.