User Titles in 2.2?
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Re: User Titles in 2.2?
In any case, it wouldn't be so simple as an extra profile field since there is a loop involved in resolving whether or not it is one of the default ranks or a custom rank.
Re: User Titles in 2.2?
I should clarify that said loop only applies when resolving the default rank. For a custom rank no loop would be required.
Re: User Titles in 2.2?
How would you work Custom Profile Fields to get Editable User Title, while they still have Rank Images based on post count?
(I hope I worded that right. Maybe it will be a good idea to put the answer in the KB when v2.2 comes out.)
(I hope I worded that right. Maybe it will be a good idea to put the answer in the KB when v2.2 comes out.)
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"There are worse things out there than reptiles." -BigGator5 of House Sinister
"There are worse things out there than reptiles." -BigGator5 of House Sinister
Re: User Titles in 2.2?
Custom Profile Fields are only a sum of definable fields (for numbers, dates, text fields...), their checking mechanisms (how long, highest number, special chars...) and the preferences (show on registration screen, hide for users...).
If you add a User Title, you would be adding a text field with a maximum length for example, and add it to the viewtopic template using the assigned template variable (if you want to show the user title). If you do not want to show ranks, either erase them from the template or disable them.
If you add a User Title, you would be adding a text field with a maximum length for example, and add it to the viewtopic template using the assigned template variable (if you want to show the user title). If you do not want to show ranks, either erase them from the template or disable them.
Re: User Titles in 2.2?
wow....this sounds so good....
Re: User Titles in 2.2?
heres a question, if/when they add in the custom rank option, would it be enabled after a certain number of posts perhaps? like maybe a reward for posting so much (spamming opportunity lol). just a suggestion hehe