Blank index page
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Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
Blank index page
What could be causing my forum index to display a completely blank page? It's not returning a damned thing to the browser. The ACP works correctly, though.
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank
Re: Blank index page
viewforum.php is completely blank, too.
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank
Re: Blank index page
Unsupported. This means if you can't fix it, don't try and use it. Sorry 
Images in sigs! please.
Re: Blank index page
Do you have to post something so thoroughly useless? If someone else who'd been running the board knows, they could post it. If you don't have anything to contribute, then just IGNORE THE THREAD.haravikk wrote:Unsupported. This means if you can't fix it, don't try and use it. Sorry
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank
Re: Blank index page
Fix what? Which snapshot?
Things are in process, and troubleshooting is a moving target at best. Hence the advice not to attempt to use the software unless one is willing to play.
Things are in process, and troubleshooting is a moving target at best. Hence the advice not to attempt to use the software unless one is willing to play.
Re: Blank index page
I'm perfectly willing to play, just not by myself. We've got a forum here for users to help each other so there is no excuse whatsoever for phpBB staff to expect users to play by themselves. 
It was this snapshot:
It was this snapshot:
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank
- mansuetus
- Registered User
- Posts: 130
- Joined: Sun Dec 07, 2003 8:02 pm
- Location: Paris, France
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Re: Blank index page
It might be cause of a warnging PHP :
sometimes PHP gives a blank page on errors....
try this:
- test.php ---
echo "this sucks';
-- /test ---
then run this page on same server: if nothing happens, problem comes from it.
hope this helps
sometimes PHP gives a blank page on errors....
try this:
- test.php ---
echo "this sucks';
-- /test ---
then run this page on same server: if nothing happens, problem comes from it.
hope this helps
Petite publicité pour mon site : on présente des horoscopes qui tuent, on propose des tests,
et si tu cherches bien, tu verras même un phpBB
viens sur !
et si tu cherches bien, tu verras même un phpBB
viens sur !
Re: Blank index page
There is in fact an excuse. The snapshots are unsupported. Now, if someone comes along with an answer, fine. But we are indeed expected to play by ourselves, if we are going to play at all. So long as we understand that, all is well.
Re: Blank index page
mansuetus - no problem with other PHP stuff. I think it happened after clearing the template cache. Reinstalling it has resolved the problem, but of course it wiped everything else out. I'd love to know how deleting files from the template made it just go blank like that. Shouldn't it just rebuild the cache?
Sean Robertson" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank" target="_blank
They can't stop us from helping each other!" target="_blank
Re: Blank index page
Heed the words of Paul.
Please also do not post bug reports (or ask where to post bug reports ). We get asked "Why not?!" ... well the answer is quite simple ... this software is under very active development. What you see as a bug may actually be an incomplete feature. And even if it is a bug chances are we've already spotted it. There may be times we do ask for reports of problems ... in those cases please reply to the relevant topic. When we start the beta cycle we will be asking for bug reports as per normal.
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