Installing MODs with EasyMOD
Theoretically, EM should be able to install any single MOD currently in the" target="_blank MODs database. However, MOD authors do not currently write their MODs to prevent clashes with other MODs. Therefore the more MODs you install then the more likely they will clash with each other and EM won't be able to install them. The next phase of the project will be to write a set of standards to prevent this (EMC).
To Install a MOD
- Load all files related to the MOD in the directory admin/mods/whatever_the_name_of_the_mod_is
- the directory you create cannot have any spaces or single quotes (')
- example: admin/mods/Country_Flags
- In the Admin Control Panel, under the Install MODs option, EM will list any MODs it detects. Clicking the "Process" button will initiate the install and EM will guide you every step of the way
- EM will scan any .txt or .mod file in the directories immediately under admin/mods to see if it's a MOD
EM looks in the header of the MOD and needs to find at least a title and an author name in order to install. EM is fairly flexible in what it will accept, but optimially it is looking for the following format:
Code: Select all
## MOD Title: mod_title_goes_here
## MOD Author: username < email > (real_name) website_url
## MOD Description: some_description_goes_here
## MOD Version: x.x.x
Installing Attachment MOD v2.3.8 with EM
Attachment MOD (Attach) by Aycd Burn is one the most popular MODs for phpBB. There is also a lot involved with installing it and there are many requests for it to work with EM. It almost does
- Refer to the Attach documentation for the most detailed installation instructions
- Place the attach_mod directory in admin/mods. You will now have an admin/mods/attach_mod directory.
- From admin/mods/attach_mod/docs move the appropriate script to admin/mods/attach_mod. For a fresh instal use install.txt
- One change to install.txt must be made so it can be used with EM.
- Edit install.txt
- Perform a global replace of attach_mod/root with just root This is specifically to fix the COPY command in Step I of Attach
- The lang files need to be added to the COPY command. Append the following to the list of files to be copied:
copy root/language/lang_english/lang_faq_attach.php to language/lang_english/lang_faq_attach.php
copy root/language/lang_english/lang_main_attach.php to language/lang_english/lang_main_attach.php - As per Step II of Attach:
- Copy the contents of admin/mods/attach_mod/root/install to install (in phpbb root)
- Run mod_table_inst.php through your web browser
- Install Attach using the EM Install MOD from Admin Control Panel.
- Refer to Step IV of Attach to see if you need to 777 a directory