UCP new look...

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Discuss features as they are added to the new version. Give us your feedback. Don't post bug reports, feature requests, support questions or suggestions here. Feature requests are closed.
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Re: UCP new look...

Post by SilverString »

psoTFX wrote:"A bit rude"? Why? Because I dared question a suggestion made by a user? I did intend it (as noted by the smiley) as a joke ... and I can't say I appreciate the response above too much.
sorry if you thought i was being mean when saying you were rude, but i also followed my statement with a smiley and it was just a joke, nothing personal.
psoTFX wrote:I add that don't feel I (or any other developer here) should or indeed do feel the need to justify everything they do ... opensource =/= free for all ;)
Fair point, however i didnt tell you to change it, just gave my opinion.
Isnt it better you gathered the opinions to develop your system.

Sorry if i offend you or the rest of the team.

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Re: UCP new look...

Post by R45 »

I think the way you approach giving opinions more dictates whether its considered rude or not, rather than what you say. Giving an opinion in a nice way via the right medium is always a good call.

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Re: UCP new look...

Post by SilverString »

yeh, I'd agree with that.

Which ever the team decide i don't think it will greatly effect the way people see the great system which the team have created. I guess skining will change how it looks so it is suited for that user and thier members.
It hasn't changed the way i feel about phpbb, i will always endorse it as i do now and like i said, i apologise if i offended you Paul.

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Re: UCP new look...

Post by DMartin »

I think it is better on the left, because there is more room for changes, etc. Plus, people are used to menus being on the left - so it is easier to use. :)
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Re: UCP new look...

Post by Roberdin »

DMartin wrote:I think it is better on the left, because there is more room for changes, etc. Plus, people are used to menus being on the left - so it is easier to use. :)
On the other hand, the different parts of the User CP could have been seen as tabs, like you get in property dialogues in Windows, which run along the top. :P

But I like it along the side. It sort of shows that anything VBulliten customers pay for, we get better for free (apart from our undying gratitude anyway :P).

Never hurts to do a little sucking up :P

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Re: UCP new look...

Post by A_Jelly_Doughnut »

This is growing on me. Just one little problem. Would it be possible to list all of the options on the left when clicking the UCP link, as in the ACP? Or perhaps just have template variables avaliable so the stylers can change it?

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