I installed the CVS a couple of times yesterday and it looks great...for those who can't figure out how to get it working, here's how to do it:
* unzip files
* with phpMyAdmin (or command lines/whatever...), run install/schemas/mysql_schema.sql on the database
* in a similar way, run install/schemas/mysql_basic.sql on the database
* change config.php to have your correct details in it (you can see how it should look in this topic:
http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=19242" target="_blank)
* knock out the whole of case: E_USER_NOTICE...break; in includes/funtions.php
* make config_cache.php writable
* took out forum_postable from the SELECT in includes/functions.php (in the make_jumpbox function)
if you prefer, the last step can be done by creating a forum_postable column in the phpbb_forums table, or by commenting out calls to the make_jumpbox() functions
after that, all that needed tinkering was the permissions on the fora so I could actually see a forum, and it works nicely