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well, here it's Hello, but i know alot of people from europe will say Hallo. my grandma always said that. i guess it's just how they're taught out there.
online, i'll just say "High"
interesting to see how many people answer with "i wish, or i am, or i was, etc..."
It's "hello" no doubt about that. It was "hullo" late in the 19th century when it is first recorded, it's actually a fairly new word. It is mainly used for answering the telephone and that is how it became popular, with the invention of the telephone around the same time it appeared. But tracing back its roots it comes from "Hallow" first recorded in Chaucers later works. This comes from the Old-French "halloer", to run after shouting. Interestingly I just looked up hello in an old (1933) dictionary I have and t isn't in, proving its moderness. Halloo and Halloa are both in with simerla meanings to Hallow, probably where we get "holler" from.
More frequently people just say "hi", now becoming "hey" although being from northern England I usually say "alright" or "now then"
"Why is it that when SF fix something they end up breaking something else I mean, it's not like I'm working for them so where's their excuse?" - psoTFX
[i57ce3]"Moron alert" - psoTFX[/i57ce3]
[i57ce3]ah, i see. Well, I am just an arrogant yank, sorry - Absinthe[/i57ce3]