Access key for "First unread post"

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Access key for "First unread post"

Post by Edgar »

One of the (seemingly) hidden features of this board software is using the access key (<ALT>+m) to deploy the "Mark topics read" function:
here's the relevant code (it is only in view on forum pages which show a list of topics to be read) :

Code: Select all

<div class="pagination">
   <a href="./viewforum.php?hash=d6961232&amp;f=68&amp;mark=topics&amp;mark_time=1615477146" class="mark" accesskey="m" data-ajax="mark_topics_read">Mark topics read</a> &bull; 		16 topics
      &bull; Page <strong>1</strong> of <strong>1</strong>
note: accesskey="m"

Would it be possible to add a similar access key to deploy "First unread post"?
Here's the code in question (it is only in view when you are actually reading a post) :

Code: Select all

<div class="pagination">
   <a href="#unread" class="mark">First unread post</a> &bull; 3 posts
      &bull; Page <strong>1</strong> of <strong>1</strong>
Thanks! This would really help those of us were physically challenged by all the mousing around needed to navigate computer GUIs.
I posted the above on the private Staff forum of the Audacity board. They are adverse to making local changes for obvious reasons and suggested I come here.

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Re: Access key for "First unread post"

Post by warmweer »

Edgar wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:55 pm Would it be possible to add a similar access key to deploy "First unread post"?
How do you define a first unread post?
Procrastination is my hobby, but I keep on postponing it.

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Re: Access key for "First unread post"

Post by 3Di »

warmweer wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 9:34 am
Edgar wrote: Thu Mar 11, 2021 9:55 pm Would it be possible to add a similar access key to deploy "First unread post"?
How do you define a first unread post? ... ead#unread
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Re: Access key for "First unread post"

Post by DavidIQ »

The problem is that, based on the location of the request screenshots, the concept of "First unread post" is lost once you read the topic. It would only work if there are multiple pages and you start on the first page and there are actual unread posts in the following pages of the topic. Once there are no unread posts in the topic the view=unread option no longer does anything.

This topic should be reposted on our main board though since it has nothing to do with phpBB 4.x nor the development of phpBB as a whole.

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