General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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Yes, but it will have only a few new features like user mentions, the main purpose of phpBB 3.3 will be to update symfony version to 3.4, since symfony 2.8 end of support is this year. Most of the new features have been moved to 4.0
You can follow the status here
Awesome, thanks! I like keeping it slow and steady. A rock-solid 3.2/3.3 will be appreciated, kinda like the “not really a full release” that’s happening with Win10 1909 - bit of a breather is always welcome.
I’m wildly assuming that a large focus of 4.0 is going to be better support for templates and modifications and auto-updates, sort of like Wordpress-ing phpBB. Did that make any sense? It does in my head. As in, if I put a content creator / content moderator hat on, Wordpress updates are a non-event and phpBB updates require CLI access and “feel” scary. We’ve had a forum pwned because of this, previous head admin just wasn’t comfortable with the upgrade process. Anything you can do to bring this into the wonderful world of app-ified web, as in, seamless updates and don’t even worry about it, will be very welcome.