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Post by Exhaler »

Who the f*** created PhpBB !???
Its not normal.
Its bugging.
Cant update the engine in a normal way.
If i install a theme , i cant change the theme normally.
If i try to install extensions.. it doesnt work either.
After hours of searching on google in lines of topics about this..i saw that most people cant even install a extension without getting frustrated.

IS there any plugin / panel / or whateva... that makes me change the theme easy.. like wordpresspanel kind of. !?
Also... there not a normal turtorial/descirption ANYWHERE on the internet how the hell to install an extension ?

Anyone have ANY good and logic anwsers ?

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Re: PhpBB?

Post by Kailey »


Welcome to phpBB! Unfortunately, you've posted on the development board, which is not used for product support. To receive support, please visit Also, please refrain from using abusive language in your posts.


