Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

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Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

Post by kasimi »

When sending a PM to a single user, you know the user has read them PM when it has been moved from your Outbox to your Sent messages folder. When sending a PM to multiple users, the PM is moved the moment the first user reads it. There is no way to know who the first reader was and who hasn't read the message yet.

I think there should be a way to identify which users haven't read a multi-user PM.
  • Should the PM author be the only one who this is display to? Should it be displayed for all recipients, too?
  • What would be an intuitive way to display this information?

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Re: Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

Post by david63 »

I am not sure that there would be an easy way to show who had read it and who had not. Perhaps a mark against the recipients name, or change the recipients colour, or a list below the recipients "read/opened by" - none of which are particularly elegant.

And all of this precludes sending a PM to a group - are you going to list all members of a group (which could be hundreds) who have/have not read the PM?

And what load will it put on the server?

Not really sure that there is a solution to this or whether there is any mileage in pursuing it.
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Re: Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

Post by kasimi »

When sending to users (as opposed to groups), the data is already there, it just needs to be displayed. There won't be any performance penalties.

For multi-groups this will not work, just like it isn't working at the moment when sending to a single group. But we've gotta start somewhere. :P

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Re: Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

Post by hanakin »

seeing as how I have not worked on the ucp pages for re-design I can think it over for when I do the pm stuff. With prosilver IDC to really put much thought into it so the simplest method will win. Also, it depends on what info we have access to and on what page. do we only show it when viewing a pm or do we show it on the overview page? if on the overview will require more thought.

For the pm itself we can just add next to the recipient's name or even simpler we can always just add a new class and adjust the style of the name such as giving it an underline or fade it a bit etc...
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Re: Indicate who hasn't read a multi-user PM

Post by kasimi »

  • When viewing a message, adding the unread information is a minor change as there are to_recipient and bcc_recipient blocks being used already.
  • When viewing a folder, the recipient names are just a string, getting joined before being assigned to the template. The function that fetches the names only returns an array of strings. Squeezing unread information in there would need a lot more work.
Therefore I would suggest to only display this when viewing the message, for the time being.

I like the idea to add an FA icon. Here is an example with the eye-slash icon.
The icon's title attribute reads test_user_1 hasn’t read this message yet.

pm_unread.png (15.22 KiB) Viewed 11859 times

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