this is my first Topic and i want first say Hi
so, now to the Suggestion/idea from me, why do you not including now an Update - Procedure popup Button,
like in Own and Next cloud, it should normally possible to make a update with php commands and internal bash
commands like unzip and something in this direction with tar and gz and by side to make it all over
an update script, where makes this procedure more easy like a snap of the fingers ..
for make it more save and save the admin time and trouble .. and this maby with a
php binary who make automatism via cron, like the occ php binary possible (as 2nd suggestion/idea)
I have in the next 1,1/2 jears less time for bing me in.. this is also the reason, why i can't be there often ,
but i have see, something could be really usable in phpbb ..
with this could be make a autoupdate an a "stable" or "production" branch also possible,
if the administrator enable it..
best regards