PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by brunoais »

Great! Thank you.
I'll see if I get any useful time to deal with this during the holiday season. I doubt it but... It's good to expect.
If I get time for this, I'll just make something for the quote tag and move along.
As for the default editor.... It may be that pell does what we want or maybe Rin, or maybe SCE is good enough now.
Regardless of the choice. Most of this feature is to the editor by design. I just wish I had a way to deal with the major drawback, which is the new current quote tag

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by Meis2M »

How is Rineditor? it is base on ckeditor .
is that work with quote tag ?

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by brunoais »

The problem with the quote tag is unrelated to the editor itself. It is related to the agnostic API for the WYSIWYG editor.
I'm having a really very hard time translating from its hard code definition into a "soft-code" definition. And so far, no help has been given.

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by Ger »

So basically you have everything working except for the quote-tag? If that's the case, can you elaborate on the exact issue you run into? It's probably somewhere in this topic, but I can't seem to find it...
Is it just about indenting nested quotes?
Above message may contain errors in grammar, spelling or wrongly chosen words. This is because I'm not a native speaker. My apologies in advance.

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by brunoais »

Ger wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:37 am So basically you have everything working except for the quote-tag? If that's the case, can you elaborate on the exact issue you run into? It's probably somewhere in this topic, but I can't seem to find it...
Is it just about indenting nested quotes?
The quote tag has many features. It has the user, the post id, the time of posting and the user id from where the post came from.
unfortunately, though, some are dynamic... Maybe too dynamic (just an expression. Not really). See here: ... er.php#L59

What is featured in there is, what I would call, my biggest nightmare for this ticket. The post and the user_id can be handled somehow with dummy or whatever but the date requires formatting according to the user's preferences.
So I'm stuck at this. I dunno how much can be viably cut out and how much has to stay. I've been waiting for help for a long time with this but I still didn't get any in the last year and some months...
If using dummy information, what level of "dummyness" should I use?

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by DavidIQ »

Don't understand what's blocking you. Why does having that information in the quote tag affect what you are doing and not everything else, especially custom BBCodes?

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by brunoais »

Because custom BBCodes is already solved.
The hardest ones are the ones are built-in because they use custom specs.
After all those, though. I had found solutions except for the quote. I've asked for help at the time on how to proceed but I got no answers. So I blocked.

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by Meis2M »

this is from rin editor in wysiwyg mode:
7-27-2017 17-08-48.png
where is that wrong?

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by brunoais »

I don't know
I just need to know how to proceed when I encounter such kind of tag.
About Rin editor itself:
Try making it work with a custom BBCode and see it failing.

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Re: PHPBB3-10418 - WYSIWYG Editor/Rich Text Editor

Post by Meis2M »

custom bbcode like quote must be render in wysiwyg mod?

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