New topic button

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New topic button

Post by Ger »

I noticed that the new topic button in 3.2 is different from 3.1. Of course it's using FA now, but in 3.1 there's an asterisk icon after the text, while in 3.2 there's a pencil. A pencil is used to edit an existing post as well so IMO it is a bit inconsistent to use the same icon for different actions.

I think in viewtopic_body.htm this line:

Code: Select all

<span>{L_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC}</span> <i class="icon fa-pencil fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Should be changed to

Code: Select all

<span>{L_BUTTON_NEW_TOPIC}</span> <i class="icon fa-asterisk fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>

And for PM's in ucp_pm_message_header.html:

Code: Select all

<span>{L_BUTTON_PM_NEW}</span> <i class="icon fa-pencil fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
be changed to:

Code: Select all

<span>{L_BUTTON_PM_NEW}</span> <i class="icon fa-asterisk fa-fw" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Am I forgetting something? If agreed, I'm willing to make a PR for this (but I have to figure out how still)
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Re: New topic button

Post by david63 »

I can sort of see your argument but, to be honest, it was not something that I had noticed. I suppose you could have an argument that says the pencil means "write something" in which case it would be appropriate for a new topic.

However I cannot see the association of creating a new topic with an asterisk - perhaps one of the comment or file icons would be more appropriate.
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Re: New topic button

Post by Ger »

Well, I chose the asterisk because it's like that in 3.1 and 3.0 prosilver:

I'm perfectly happy with something else, but I have no intention to re-invent the wheel when it's been clear since at least 2007.
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Re: New topic button

Post by DavidIQ »

Not to draw comparisons to Facebook, but since many like to compare phpBB to them it's a pencil there to edit a post. vBulletin uses a pencil as well for editing a post and also for creating a new topic (or thread as they call it over there). An asterisk to me says absolutely nothing of what the action I'm about to take is so I'm glad that has been changed to something more meaningful.

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Re: New topic button

Post by hanakin »

agree with DavidIQ on this one that is why we ultimately went with the pencil since the asterisk was not very expressive.

Imagine you were just shown the icon without text what would think that button did if you just saw an asterisk. We also considered the plus icon as well...

font-awsome or any icon font library is sometimes limiting. This is why we will be switching to svg icons and implementing custom design icon ability into the new theme. This gives us the ability to use well defined icons such as material icons as well as add our own icons to handle things like the forum icons all using the same methods of inclusion.

*sidenote* this forum is meant for discussing the next theme for phpbb and is not related to prosilver. I know that your intent was talking icon choice which falls into this so do not get me wrong...

I just think we should avoid referencing prosilver code changes as for now if we can since the entire codebase will be coded from scratch in a new theme.
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Re: New topic button

Post by Ger »

Fair enough.
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Re: New topic button

Post by medunivers »

I have the same question. The difference between the two button ?

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Re: New topic button

Post by hanakin »

There is no difference they are the same button we just changed the icon to something else that is more standard
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