[RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by koreldan »

what is the most complete mod that implement this functionality for 3.1.x versions ?
At the moment the stable version should be the 3.1.6

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by diego898 »

An update for those concerned: The mod that I was using to supplement this feature has been abandoned :L

Is there any other recourse besides continuing to use an abandoned mod for right now?

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by DavidIQ »

It's an extension, not a MOD. If it was coded as a MOD then that could be part of the reason it was abandoned.

And no there is no other alternative at this time as no one else has shown much interest to pick up any work related to this.

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by Explode! »

I'm looking for this functionality also.

Looks like all of the current extensions have been abandoned. I did try the Mention extension back earlier this year but it just consumed by test beds host resources so left it off.

Adding myself to this list to keep up to date with any progress.

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by Ja. »

I am very much looking forward to this as well!

It would be great if it were to be brought on as one of the officially supported extensions.

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by Creditly »

I don't see why this wouldnt be a core feature, phpBB so far is the only forum software NOT even considering this. MyBB has this implemented for 2.0, and there's a working plugin from the developers for 1.8. Several new softwares are also implementing this if they haven't already. SMF even has this somewhere I believe.

This is a feature that is becoming a standard in the forum world, for one of the biggest forum softwares out there not even considering it, it's rather strange.

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by DavidIQ »

Nobody has said it shouldn't be, but there are obviously many diverse opinions on this feature as is evidenced by the now 23 pages that this topic spans. And, as has been mentioned in another page, the extension was abandoned by its author. Why? Because this feature is a lot more complex than it sounds.

Bottom line is this feature will either make it onto phpBB in a future version (not 3.2 and no interest has been generated in implementing it for 3.3 thus far) or will be available as an extension from someone, if the interest is actually generated. Thus far there hasn't been a whole lot of takers on the implementation side mostly because the innards of phpBB and making that stable for years to come as well as getting things up to current standards has been the main focus for developers.

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by 3Di »

Not to mention that the quote bbcode trick works very well, yes isn't easy as to put a @ into the posting text area, but works. I was, time ago, tempted to use the code for the quote bbcode and modify it to fit this need.
As always though, when you have also a real life and being involved in other projects to still get finished, I did put it into a sort of limbo. The extension here mentioned as been abd, AFAIK, mainly because used a very big lot of queries.
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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by Ja. »

I also think this would be a wonderful feature!

In the mean time is there a way to modify some bbcode to do something like [mention=username] which will trigger the notification system?

The issue I am running into is:
1. Yes I know how to use the quote bbcode trick, however I don't know an easy way to tell my forum users how to use this "trick"
a. Yes, I could have a post dedicated to the subject, it just seems cumbersome compared to having a bbcode hint.
2. The bbcode quote trick does not let me quote without putting in content of some kind (unless I'm missing something)

The "auto display all users" function doesn't have to work in this instance.
Couldn't it function like the "Find a member" option under the "Manage Users" section of the ACP?

Would an implementation like this be simple(r)?

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Re: [RFC] Ability to @mention specific users in posts

Post by 3Di »

That's something - IMO - better to ask here: Extension Requests.

I have a skeleton of this but I am not here telling you I will chime on this again.
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