phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Nicofuma »

RMcGirr83 wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:47 pm
Nicofuma wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:25 pmAbout the open tickets... Some should be closed yes but it's not that easy. For each bug ticket you need to check if it is still a bug or not before closing it and that"s very time consuming, and every one here (programmer or not) is doing that on his spare time without any rewards of any kind. About the feature/improvement request it's even more complicated because as you may have noticed the team rarely decide that something is unacceptable, it is always let open to discussion.
Tristan, some aren't even valid and it's quite evident. For example, this one Someone put a "duplicates" and didn't bother to close the ticket (unlike say this one Now if I happen to be browsing the tracker for open issues to try and assist where I can, why should that ticket still be marked as open? Whoever placed the duplicate in there should have closed the ticket. The others where the dev's are still deciding, I can understand, but ones such as this one it should be a non-issue. Unless I am completely misinterpreting what it is you are stating.
When you see things like that just ping someone on IRC or add a comment to the ticket. We are humans you know, we can make mistake nd can't be everywhere at the same time :)
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by MattF »

RMcGirr83 wrote:@RMcGirr83
Unfortunately I am on Mac... I mean fortunately, rather. :D So I haven't been able to help you figure your issue out much more than pointing out it should work. I too hope one of the smarter guys here who are on PeeCee can help you figure it out so you can check your many extension in the new version.

FWIW, unless you have extended notifications or are using any of those renamed event data variables, your 3.2 problems will be minimal. In my own personal stable of extensions only 1 of 9 were affected, and that was Similar Topics because of the Font Awesome template changes to the way topic rows are laid out.

Most extensions will probably be 3.1 and 3.2 compatible as of this writing. It's just the fact that some, however few, will not be and we will need a safety net for that.
Nicofuma wrote:@Nicofuma
I've mentioned here in discussion my hopes on a couple reverts, because a discussion is more appropriate than a ticket when it comes to the possibility of a reversion of a merged change ;)
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by janus »

Frank Rizzo wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:02 pm Yes that did it.

The update went smooth - all finished and updated sucessfully.

But when I access the forum I just see thousands of random letters such as

Same here, I try it 4 times but nothing than letters?

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Frank Rizzo »

Ok let's find common ground.

* I'm running CentOS 6, httpd 2.4.17 in https mode (the characters look like encryption gone wrong so could be that)

* Tried php 7 and 5.6 (suspect there could be a php setting that is causing this, possibly ob, cache?)

* Original 3.1.5 installation had the following extensions: Subway Theme, Advanced BBCode Box, Advanced Polls. All extensions were disabled (but not deleted) before the upgrade.

* I did get many warnings about files that needed to be deleted and some that had to be merged. After a couple of passes it was all fine.

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by janus »

* just http on shered server.
* PHP-versie 5.5.29
* All extensions were disabled (but not deleted) before the upgrade. same here and only prosilver
* I did get many warnings about files that needed to be deleted and some that had to be merged. After a couple of passes it was all fine. same here

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by RMcGirr83 »

Nicofuma wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:34 pm When you see things like that just ping someone on IRC or add a comment to the ticket.
Half the time I don't even know who is on IRC. In the past I have gone into IRC and deduced that just because their name shows up doesn't mean that person is actually even there (many don't set their status as to "away" when they are, uhmmm, away).
We are humans you know, we can make mistake nd can't be everywhere at the same time :)
I know but I tend to dot my i's and cross my t's when I am doing stuff. I guess I expect the same from others. Mea culpa.
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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by DavidIQ »

janus wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:02 pm
Frank Rizzo wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:02 pm Yes that did it.

The update went smooth - all finished and updated sucessfully.

But when I access the forum I just see thousands of random letters such as

Same here, I try it 4 times but nothing than letters?
Where exactly are you seeing this? Within posts or on the labels? What language are you using?

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Frank Rizzo »

Language is English.

It is any page on the forum.


Even if I put in a non existent page such as:


then random characters are also returned. However, in that last example the php error log states:

"Fatal error: Class 'phpbb\notification\method\base' not found in /www/public_html/forum/phpbb/notification/method/board.php on line 23

I appreciate that could be a different issue to the random characters page display

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by janus »

Where exactly are you seeing this? Within posts or on the labels? What language are you using?
The index page and all other pages, just letters nothing else.
Set the board on English the last time. the first 2 time where in Dutch.

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Re: phpBB 3.2.0-a1 released

Post by Frank Rizzo »

OK, the random characters are base64 encoded. If I run the characters through a decoder I can see the source code:


* This file is part ...

So the problem is that raw base64 is being generated, which the browser is displaying in that raw format.

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