Nicofuma wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:33 amSo please don't cry or debate but report problems (create tickets)... (and why not fox them yourself if you know how to fix it)
I do not appreciate that comment one bit Tristan. You think I'm `crying`? I think I am reporting issues with the alpha release.
Tickets? I have opened more than my fair share of tickets and fixed those that I could and even those that I didn't open and even those that were abandoned by the original author. Even some that were requested by the community to be added to core. I would say that isn't bad for someone who isn't on any team of phpBB but you somehow think I am `crying`.
Was my post a bit over the top? Maybe, but you adding fuel to the fire isn't going to help either.
And let's talk about the tracker shall we. According to this ... key%20DESC there are, currently, 827 open tickets. Should some of them be closed? Probably but the inaction on them, either fix, won't fix, bugger off or whatever seems to be a bit lacking.
You want me to open a ticket stating that alpha fails on installing on XAMPP? Routing fails in XAMPP? What about WAMP or am I supposed to install that too and then open a ticket? Would you like me to open a ticket concerning the validation process? You want me to open a ticket about 3.1.7 not being released?
Here's a wild idea, how about YOU install XAMPP and figure out why routing is failing. In case you didn't know, I'm not a programmer, I'm an accountant and do this in my spare time. I wouldn't have the first clue as to why the routing in XAMPP is failing or even on how to debug it just as, I assume, you wouldn't have a clue on how to properly fill out and file an 1120 form from the IRS.
PS I suppose I should open a ticket concerning the formatting of the above url link while I'm at it?
PPS Thank you Matt (VSE) for at least giving ideas with the XAMPP problem instead of saying "Open a ticket".