rxu wrote:Movie wrote:2000 pages, I would like to view this.
Feel free to try that. But, do you have any suggestions about improving the feature, or just saying?
Where do I go to try this I really want to see how it actually reacts to large amounts of files.
Not really just saying I have a genuine concern, my reason for concern is back in 2003 I installed phpbb the first mod was the attachment mod, a year later I had 5000 attachments and expressed my concerns for keeping attachments all in one folder, now it has grown to over 50k files in the "files" folder EVERYTHING I try to do with the "files" folder is nearly impossible, backups, moving, copying, viewing ALL software seems to have limits the limits seems to get really serious once you get over 9998 files in a single folder. It takes me days to simply get a backup of the "files" folder from my host (hostgator) if I do one of their standard backups after downloading and unzipping the 9 gig file I discover it only saved 9998 files in the directory, I have to create another ticket and type out a long letter to them describing the problem and asking them to verify the correct amount of files are actually in the "files" directory before they offer the backup for downloading.
The previous host I was using had a server side hacking and when he restored his server discovered that his backups had limits and was not keeping all the attachments in the backups lucky for me he had changed the server side settings so I could see ALL the files in the "files" directory and I was keeping weekly off site backups of the "files" directory we only lost about 200 pictures. Hostgator WILL NOT make this adjustment for me so I can backup the files weekly if the attachments feature created a new subfolder when the files reached say 9990 files in a directory then yes I could keep weekly backups of the changed files using FTP since FTP can see up to 9998 files in a directory. I have read where some host has limits as low as 4000 files in a directory.
This problem has pretty much been ignored by the phpbb team fact is attachments has been the red headed step child of phpbb since day one every step of the way I have met resistance to attachments en general in phpbb by the phpbb team members, in the early days I took the advice forced on me and directed my users to upload their files to some place else then link to them in their post now we have hundreds of post with no pictures because they never maintained the accounts where the pictures were, when requested they fix their post and restore the pics it never happens because enough time has elapsed "lost them in a computer crash" or "they are on my old computer I donated to the church" bottom line is useful tools our community once had is now gone, all the documentation is lost. .
Trust me I am not "just saying" I am taking this very serious and I want to try it for myself .
Sorry to be so long winded I kept it short and just covered a few of the highlights.
Thanks for letting me bend your ear.