These requests for comments/change have lead to an implemented feature that has been successfully merged into the 3.2/Rhea branch. Everything listed in this forum will be available in phpBB 3.2.
While trying to make it easier to translate the FAQs, I'm removing the strange array we use there and switch to normal language strings.
As this already changes most of the content, we might aswell just move the FAQs to controllers.
I would say:
- /help/faq and /help/bbcode (in a /config/routing/help.yml file ^^)
- Use the feature as second namespace and maybe we will move it to an extension later, when we could manage extensions dependencies and when we will rewrite the installer (and so when it will be able to install extensions).
Member of the phpBB Development-Team No Support via PM
Let's keep the FAQ in core rather than an extension. I also agree that it should be phpbb/help/controller/faq.php, so we keep it somewhat a separate subsystem. The URLs you suggested sound good.
Every page that is not searchable is quite useless - "normal" people using the keyword search might get what they want if not only posts would be returned as results. Likewise the FAQ is visited rarely. Even the whole ACP suffers from not being searchable, which both affects rookies and experts (3.0.x: Search in ACP).