General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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Dragosvr92 wrote:I am more curious to know when will extensions be made for 3.1.0. Will something else replace MODX ?
Will there be a new customisation database page? Without having at least a few extensions out there for 3.1 i dont think people will hurry to update..
To be honest I've been looking at the mods but leaving them alone until phpBB 3.1 goes final release. I do have the announcements mod installed, tried another ages ago - but only use one now. A lot of the mods are falling behind each new Beta/RC phpBB 3.1 version released it seems, they ain't keeping pace. So don't think it poses much of a problem right now, bet most people are doing same thing leaving them alone for now, but taking note of what mods there will be to use later. Unless mods are not getting created/updated after 3.1 goes final. At which point many will start looking at using them on their boards.
nickvergessen wrote:There will be an RC4, most likely next week.
I was wondering how long RC4 is away, this release from RC3 seems to have taken longer than going through rest of Beta's and previous RC's. Not complaining or anything, just waiting to upgrade is all and currently use an early DEV version of RC4 (so a bit keen to see RC4 released proper to upgrade to) and stop using this DEV version of it.
I upgraded to an early DEV version of RC4 to get the pop-up box style fixes, otherwise I'd have stopped at RC3 until RC4 got released. I kind of expected RC4 to come faster than RC2 to RC3, thinking there would be less bugs to fix now. But this feels the longer wait between new versions so far.
I have a feeling RC4 should be out anytime now. probably in couple of days itself. I wouldnt mind even if you take an extra week or 2 and just release the final release straight. After that there is still a lot of work anyways when many boards start using them. Its never going to be perfect. Why cant we release the final and make it perfect after that over minor releases...
Dragosvr92 wrote:I am more curious to know when will extensions be made for 3.1.0. Will something else replace MODX ?
Will there be a new customisation database page? Without having at least a few extensions out there for 3.1 i dont think people will hurry to update..
To be honest I've been looking at the mods but leaving them alone until phpBB 3.1 goes final release. I do have the announcements mod installed, tried another ages ago - but only use one now. A lot of the mods are falling behind each new Beta/RC phpBB 3.1 version released it seems, they ain't keeping pace. So don't think it poses much of a problem right now, bet most people are doing same thing leaving them alone for now, but taking note of what mods there will be to use later. Unless mods are not getting created/updated after 3.1 goes final. At which point many will start looking at using them on their boards.
It was right for the beta and for a few changes before the RC3. But since the RC3 nothing has been broken for the extensions, and so an extension compatible with the RC3 is compatible with the RC4 and will be compatible with the final (except in the case where we have to break BC for an important security fix).
EDIT: I forgot one change done in the notification system. But it was required to avoid conflicts and to be able to follow the extension guidelines.
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