Prosilver Location:
Code: Select all
<dt><label for="bbcode_tpl">{L_EXAMPLES}</label><br /><br /><span>{L_HTML_REPLACEMENT_EXAMPLE}</span></dt>
<dd><textarea id="bbcode_tpl" name="bbcode_tpl" cols="60" rows="8">{BBCODE_TPL}</textarea></dd>
Code: Select all
This is mean for the WYSIWYG editor. It is supposed to allow having the editor to behave as an RTE or a real WYSIWYG for that specific BBCode.
As discussed here: ... 08&t=35703
For example, for some BBCode such as the
BBcode probably work best as an RTE (and nearly as an WYSWIYG). It could be such that the spoiler is always open and not closing or without the toggle button at all, etc... There are also BBCode that are hellish complex and require activating and deactivating the contentEditable attribute otherwise the user can break the HTML structure rendering the process way harder (or impossible) for the editor to translate between BBCode and HTML.