EXreaction wrote:The idea earlier was to use bbcodes for this, e.g. [mention]some user[/mention]. To make it "nice" like how everyone else does it, since we do not use a wysiwyg editor to hide those bbcodes, we would simple make a javascript listener for when someone types @[^\s] in the text area and then pop out a username search based on what they have typed since the @ sign. Hitting esc would close the window, and selecting a user or hitting enter would replace the @ and whatever they typed with the selected user wrapped in a [mention] tag.
mrgtb wrote:There's a BBCode for this. To use @username in posts
I think maybe you are missing the point as the concept is to use BBcode to accomplish this but it should send a notification as well which would also require settings for the notification center to disable receiving @meniton notifications.
jsebean wrote:So if BBCode is the verdict, what happens when I register the username [/mention] and people try to mention me like [mention][/mention][/mention]?
Maybe using @ isn't a great idea since there's a big change for people mentioning actual twitter handles, maybe it should be something like reddit mentions, they mention users like this /u/username since user profiles have URLs like reddit.com/r/username, so using /u/ triggers the mention function. I'm guessing phpBB won't be using short urls but something like this looks elegant enough for me.
Slightly better English than it was in 2005, still improving