Change background-color to f1f1f1?

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Should we change the current background color to something darker?

No, keep the current color.
Yes, change it to something darker.
Change it to f1f1f1.
Total votes: 26

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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1?

Post by Volksdevil »

Deffo voting darker, even current looks better to me.

Currently on here I feel the same, not enough of a colour difference between the background and the wrap, looks washed out to me.

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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1?

Post by mrgtb »

The background is probably a little too light in colour, the border could do with being a little darker as it is. But that might not be needed if the background colour was darker, border might stand out better then.

Personally speaking, now that they can do more with background to improve Prosilver theme, rather than just using one colour for it. I would have broken it up in two colours using a light blue top band and similar colour background to now below it, so background uses two different colours for better effect. Much like how XenForo do it now. Be a bit more creative to improve the default style more.

Having that darker different colour band at top sets the forum top header area off better.
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That's what I wanted to do myself with the background, but you can't until those pop-up boxes are fixed.

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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1?

Post by jsebean »

To be honest, it's such a subtle difference I don't notice it much. I changed it to f1f1f1 in inspect element and while it looks "better", if somebody had of changed it on the site without saying I wouldn't even have notices :P

The image background someone posted looks cool, but honestly, somebody could change the style themselves if they wanted it?

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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1

Post by Louis7777 »

hanakin wrote:see what the responses are I can always try shifting the hue/saturation around to make it slightly darker
So um.. can anything be done about this? There's a huge victory for darker -> 4 votes ahead :lol:

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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1?

Post by hanakin »

try this in your browser and let me know if it helps

Code: Select all

html, body {
color: #536482;
background-color: #F0F2F5;

#wrap {
background-color: #FFF;
border-color: #E2E4E9;
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Re: Change background-color to f1f1f1?

Post by Louis7777 »

hanakin wrote:try this in your browser and let me know if it helps
Yeah, it's better. I'm fine with that.

I'd prefer f1f1f1 of course - I'm used to seeing it next to white, as many other people who use YouTube.

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