Defining a New Default Theme

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by DavidIQ »

hanakin wrote:-1 this is not something I want to see, this is a step backwards as it requires DB of the style
Well technically there are two ways of doing this in 3.0 but neither were very feasible. The first way is the way you've mentioned and that's through storing of the style in the DB, which we definitely don't want anymore. The second way was directly editing the files through the same editor. This was done when the style was set as not being stored in the DB but the drawback is that if you mess something up there really would be no way to roll back thus forcing you to re-upload the particular file you edited, if you remember which one it was.

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by FloFlo91 »

Of course the use of pre-processor will be usefull, I was just talking for people who don't know at all CSS or how to compile a less file. But I don't know the drawbacks of thic method.

By the way, we need a designer to make a mock-up of this "new theme". And I guess, we have to redesign everything, re-imagine the forum of this decade if we want a new and strong phpbb.
It will be more interessting instead of talk about which pre processor we choose or which grid.

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by hanakin »

already on it thats the point of all these topics to lay the ground work before the designing starts
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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by keith10456 »

hanakin wrote:already on it thats the point of all these topics to lay the ground work before the designing starts
I for one look forward to seeing it :D

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by hanakin »

Updated some links and made several changes to the topic list
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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by mrgtb »

The problem with the ProSilver theme right now is it's not helping put phpBB 3.1 across to people well. I talk on various admin forums and have read what people have to say about phpBB 3.1 discussing it. Most like the way phpBB 3.1 is heading with new features and a responsive edge to the theme. But at same time many have commented that phpBB 3.1 looks no different from 3.0 series (because default theme looks same) in 3.1, and ProSilver has been around a long time now.

Usually with a major new branch release comes a new theme to help make it look different, show it off better as a new major branch release. While I'm not against keeping ProSilver as such, do think it either needs a major overall to look very different, or a completely new theme used in 3.1. It just isn't doing 3.1 any justice really in getting it across to people as a new version still using ProSilver.

I'm not that fussed myself, but can see why people on other forums say that about 3.1 using same old theme making it look no different from 3.0 series. And a theme that been default for how long now, must be well over 5 years plus? Also, the impression I've got from others over the years is that most don't even like the look of ProSilver and rate SMF and MyBB default theme as looking better. I disagree with that, but then the masses opinion counts more than mine. So most don't think it's a great looking default theme anyway to start with, so should be changed to either look very different or scrap it and use a new theme.

I'm only saying this from the perspective of how it looks to others, what I've read them saying discussing 3.1 in support of it. ProSilver uses lots of gradient effects, even on forum listing with a gradient background image used. Right now it's old hat using gradients - the trend is having a flat looking style that uses no gradients at all. Look at MS new operating system, how google has gone same way with flat style look. Just an idea that's all to think about?

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by mrgtb »

By a flat look style, I mean like this one here for example.

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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by hanakin »

Thats a design style... I am mainly focusing on the bigger decisions that come with a new theme that dictate how its coded and laid out, how it performs, how easy it is to change overhaul its design style from one to another. I do tend to agree with you though about the use of gradients.

Once these are determined then I/we can begin working on a new theme that follows these new rules & guidelines to help make a better more modern & well rounded theme. The overall look or design for the theme will be determined at that time. Weather it is as close to prosilver as possible or something loosely based off it is a discussion left for that time and in a thread of its own.
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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by wintstar »

mrgtb wrote:By a flat look style, I mean like this one here for example.
Flat design is just a current trend that will not soon be interesting.
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Re: Defining a New Default Theme

Post by hanakin »

wintstar wrote:
mrgtb wrote:By a flat look style, I mean like this one here for example.
Flat design is just a current trend that will not soon be interesting.
again not the place for this disscussion
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