[RFC] Define max-width for prosilver

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by keith10456 »

Louis7777 wrote:...I'm fine with that as our default theme. Except maybe for the pink highlight color.
Ditto about the pink. I don't like that part.

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by hanakin »

since it was asked for here is a 27" screen at 2560x1440
Screenshot 2014-07-01 17.17.51.png
Screenshot 2014-07-01 17.17.51.png (560.52 KiB) Viewed 469 times
here is the same size with a max-width applied to give the content area 960px spacing as callumacrae alluded to with a font-size increased from 13px to 21px
Screenshot 2014-07-01 17.32.02.png
Screenshot 2014-07-01 17.32.02.png (546.93 KiB) Viewed 469 times
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by MattF »

PayBas wrote:Well that about wraps it up with respect to the question whether or not this is a good idea (as if it needed to be any clearer ;)).

Last try.
Yep, as I said before, PayBas mockup is the best version of a non-fluid prosilver design.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by PayBas »

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by Mess »

tmbackoff wrote:
callumacrae wrote:
PayBas wrote:Well that about wraps it up with respect to the question whether or not this is a good idea (as if it needed to be any clearer ;)).

Last try.
I actually like this a lot
Same here. About as perfect as can be. :)
Agreed. This is the best solution.

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by MattF »

keith10456 wrote:
Louis7777 wrote:...I'm fine with that as our default theme. Except maybe for the pink highlight color.
Ditto about the pink. I don't like that part.
The "pink" has nothing to do with this topic. The "pink" is the highlight color Prosilver has always used for reported posts/topics, and should be visible only to admins and MODs.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by Master_Cylinder »

Crizzo wrote:I really don't like the idea, maybe it is already to late, but just my 2 cents to this topic:

Let me abstract, what "we" did in phpBB 3.x so fare:
- we created great css/html code with has no max-width and fits to big screens
- we created a good responsive modus, so everyone with a small display, a tablet or a smartphone can view and use the board in best performance.

So far.

Now, you are suggesting that we should limit the board to a max-width (value of pixel-width does not matter) and remove out of the box the possibility to expand the board to a FullHD or even bigger screen. So the desktop user with a big resolution will have not the same fancy behaviour, like the guys with small smartphone resolutions. Why should we want this? Does anybody need the big free, white/grey space left and right to the board for some notes or why should we do this? If i have a FullHD screen (and for godsake i have) then i will use it, like i will. So big board over 1920px or browser over 1200px and some chatting windows on the other 720px.

Then you might say: "Nobody can read those *beep* long lines, no book is print that way!" That might be right. But what if i increase the letter size to compensate my amblyopia and get really few words in a line or i don't care how books are printed and i want those *beep* long lines! There a many reasons to use bigger browser-viewports than the max-width that anyone of us can image and code into phpbb. We don't know, i don't know, you don't know.

But leave the decision to me/us/the reader of our boards, pls!

PS: I'm aware, that i can change in my style what ever i want and kick out the "max-width". But out-of-the-box phpBB should not say to any user, how they have to read and post and see the board.

PPS: Thank you for reading.
I agree, I want it wide too and I don't care what some article claims is better, it's my forum and that should be good enough.
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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by PayBas »

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by KurtisC »

As a passing user, I don't make much criticism to the thought of having a default max-width setting, but why 960px? As someone who has a 'HD-Monitor' at 1920px wide, I can read easily most forums including this one just fine (even if it is at a little stretch). If you want to set a max-width setting, then surely a better resolution would be more at 1500px or even 2000px? That way, most people with 'smaller' monitors won't notice any difference and people with larger monitors would be content given their paragraphs are not just one long line. 960px seems way too low.
Last edited by KurtisC on Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Define max-width for prosilver

Post by MattF »

A thing of beauty!
KurtisC wrote:960px seems way too low.
You're right. The change proposed is 1152px.
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