That's why I said that's it's not up to me and simply made the suggestion that I've been attacked by trolls for. *I* think it would be better as official Extension, for the logical reasons given, but I *know* that it's up to the devs and I've said so. If it has to be in the core then all I asked for was an off-switch and was attacked for that too. I do appreciate that you've decided to give us a way to disable it though and I've said that too.EXreaction wrote:Please try to stay civil about this. The development team has already made their decision to try and include a WYSIWYG editor in 3.2. We've already taken into consideration the discussions brought up here (and so we will have the option to disable it if you do not wish to use it).
Remember, if you want to affect a decision, you have to appeal to the development team, arguing with other community members really doesn't benefit anyone involved. I would say to argue against development team members, but do so respectfully please.
It's a shame so many take my suggestions and opinions so personally...but I've been civil to those that have been civil to me and even some that haven't.