Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) Integration...

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Re: Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) Integration...

Post by Master_Cylinder »

CSE searches often have an option (usually radio buttons) to search the site or optionally search the web.

It's not about bing...there are actual Adsense/SEO/SERP reasons to use CSE. We only need a "buget" and a "premium," there's no reason to support them all, the rest can be Extensions as far as I'm concerned and as I already said, it's up to the devs however they think is best or if they do it at all. Not every solution has to support every conceivable alternative to every desire, sometimes the simple solutions are best and there's no need to over-complicate everything.
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Re: Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) Integration...

Post by DavidIQ »

We already have a search plugin system where you can just drop in your plugin and the ACP will even show the custom search system's settings. This is how Sphinx works. With that in mind I don't see why a Google search plugin would or should be included in the core if we already have a precedent that search plugins would be developed outside of phpBB. That is the point of making it a plugin system after all.

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Re: Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) Integration...

Post by Master_Cylinder »

At least we have an answer now... ;)
These kids today...
Buy them books, send them to school and what do they do?

They eat the paste. :lol:

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