Change friend/foe managemet from <select> to AJAX driven

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Change friend/foe managemet from <select> to AJAX driven

Post by Lucifer4o »

At the moment friend/foe management is done by listing all friends and foes in a HTML SELECT element. This allows selecting multiple friends and foes, and removing them at once.

This is good, but now we have AJAX add of friend/foes. Wont it be easier to change the SELECT tag to list with friends/foes followed by icon indicating removal?

before.JPG (27.6 KiB) Viewed 841 times
My proposal*:
after.JPG (18.52 KiB) Viewed 841 times
*Please ignore the little starry icon, as it is a part of other modification. And ignore the language as my board is in Bulgarian.

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