I'm requesting integrating features from the following MODs into the core:
Editing Limiter
"If a user edits more than X (default 10) posts in Y (default 24) hours, editing is not permitted for the next Z (default 24) hours. It is also reported with a new topic or a topic reply in moderators forums."
Since this is a global setting, I'd suggest extending this to per group or the ability to exempt groups/users. I'd also extend this to self-deleted posts.
Override edit time limit and forum and user limits(I sure wish magic urls would do all this for me.
"Adds a new user and a forum permission to override the post edit time limit, also gives the ability of editing time limit settings per forum or user."
I'd suggest extending this one to allow edit times per group instead of just user/forum. Another member in the MOD forum suggested adding "first post" edit permissions so members could, optionally, only be allowed to edit the first post, if edit time expired or was not allowed in general which is good when it's better to edit the first post than post a buried update. Also extended for self-delete times/permissions would be good.
These two mods work very well together, as is, but with a few tweaks they'd be even nicer and give admins better edit and delete control. I think this would be good to add to the core.