[RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

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[RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by tbackoff »

I believe this was in the blog post about 3.1 (3.2) before we moved to the new version numbering system. As I don't have much experience with the CPFs, what are the possible limitations and pros / cons of doing this? Obviously, some (username, password, email) shouldn't be allowed to be deleted, but others are optional.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by keith10456 »

I don't understand what you're asking.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by DavidIQ »

She's requesting the standard profile fields to be converted to custom profile fields. Things like Birthday, Location, Interests, and other fields could then be easily deleted. I'm down with that. I think the few fields that are always required and should not be ever deleted she's already pointed out.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by Truemedia »

I think this is a great idea along with the custom permissions on bb-codes. Although there always space for adding these features with plugins, the idea of picking and choosing exactly what you want from what is included in phpbb by default would make phpbb much more friendly to modify for features it already has.

Especially for forums that don't really care for personal information and are more centered around people keeping there personal details secret (some of them).

I could see this been used in forums centered around things such as games, the forum used as a game itself, technolagy, science, hobbyist, or just as a general support forum for a product.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by keith10456 »

DavidIQ wrote:She's requesting the standard profile fields to be converted to custom profile fields. Things like Birthday, Location, Interests, and other fields could then be easily deleted. I'm down with that. I think the few fields that are always required and should not be ever deleted she's already pointed out.
OK... I totally agree then!!!

The profile fields are relative to each individual board/website. Admins should be allowed to select which fields they want to make available to their members.

Eliminating unnecessary fields (by selection of the admin) would make the registration process smoother.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by phynixx »

+1 here.

I run a board that is 100% private and for various reasons cannot, by policy, contain any personal information. I would love it if I could simply delete 90% of the unused fields.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by Pony99CA »

This is a great idea. Has anybody started on it?

Obviously some fields would not be able to be made non-required, like user name, password and E-mail address, but they could still be listed with the CPFs.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by neuropass »

Is this in development or already on the forgotten list? :)

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by EXreaction »

This hasn't been forgotten, but hasn't been worked on yet.

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Re: [RFC] built-in profile fields to custom profile fields

Post by Master_Cylinder »

There is a MOD (or maybe several) that allows for disabling the default fields either permanently or until the member has X number of posts. If the standard profile fields are going to be converted to custom fields, I'd request adding such options to the custom fields too so they could be hidden/not able to be filled out until the user has a certain number of posts.
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