[RFC] Responsive layout

These requests for comments/change have lead to an implemented feature that has been successfully merged into the 3.1/Ascraeus branch. Everything listed in this forum will be available in phpBB 3.1.
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Re: Responsive layout

Post by DavidIQ »

I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)

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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Danielx64 »

DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)

I just saw that and I like it :)

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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Arty »

VSE+ wrote:There are now stray closing </ul> tags in adm/style/overall_header.html.
DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)
Thanks :)
Also try using tabs when typing code (inside code tag).

Those two features for reply box aren't part of responsive design, they were added a while ago.

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Re: Responsive layout

Post by imkingdavid »

Arty wrote:
DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)
Thanks :)
Also try using tabs when typing code (inside code tag).
I noticed that one a few days ago. Very nice. :)
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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Arty »

DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)
You've mentioned problem with that function on your phone on IRC. Can you please check if this commit fixes it for you: https://github.com/cyberalien/phpbb3/co ... 0cf94e7c81

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Re: Responsive layout

Post by DavidIQ »

Arty wrote:
DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)
You've mentioned problem with that function on your phone on IRC. Can you please check if this commit fixes it for you: https://github.com/cyberalien/phpbb3/co ... 0cf94e7c81
I haven't been able to check this, sorry. I'll try and set up a test 3.1 on my server and see if it fixes it. In the meantime I've noticed the "online" indicator is showing behind the avatars while it should probably show in front of them:
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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Master_Cylinder »

It's probably that Dastardly Master Cylinder's fault... :P
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Re: Responsive layout

Post by DavidIQ »

Arty wrote:
DavidIQ wrote:I just saw that the quick reply box actually expands with the amount of text entered. That's pretty nifty. :)
You've mentioned problem with that function on your phone on IRC. Can you please check if this commit fixes it for you: https://github.com/cyberalien/phpbb3/co ... 0cf94e7c81
Applied change to my test site. Removing the auto-resize effect for touch devices, what the change does, allows for easier scrolling through the textarea box now since the textarea no longer changes sizes because of the keyboard. I think this is OK in order to preserve one's sanity while on a mobile device. :)

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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Alien_Time »

Hi Arty, when I view the responsive style of this website from Ipad, the menus in the UCP are centered in the middle and the page body for that ucp content goes below it. I am attaching a screen dump below so you know what I am referring to. Since iPads and most tablets have high resolution screen already, I was wondering if it is possible to retain the default layout without going responsive by showing the ucp menus similar to the ones in high resolution screens in desktop and only re-adjust these menus in really low resolutions like mobiles? For instance, when I view the ucp in phpbb website from iPads, it is able to show them fine in ipad screens. But the responsive layout that area51 is showing looks terrible when viewed from ipads since there are too much space around the links in ucp screen. It should be fine for mobiles though but might not look the best in tablets. Is this something that can be tweaked?
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Re: Responsive layout

Post by Master_Cylinder »

One change that I'd like to see is actually from another prosilver based style called "we_clearblue." On the index it combines the "Topics" and "Posts" columns into one "statistics" column and in viewforum it combines "Replies" and "Views" into one column. (see screenshots) This seems like a much more efficient use of space, especially with the new responsive layout.
index-wcb.jpg (8.26 KiB) Viewed 28815 times
viewforum-wcb.jpg (5.05 KiB) Viewed 28815 times
I also like the WCB menus on top but that might be going too far for a prosilver tweak... ;)
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