Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

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Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

Post by tpcr »

Out of curiosity

Can the built in captchas that has been broken by the bots etc be removed in an update to help new and old forum sites combat spam. ?????

(Since they are no longer effective then why not remove them and clean the code up)

Also would prevent forum owners etc using them thinking they work

Here is a quote from my original thread Preventing spam (Ref: broken captchas) which I was directed to here and was locked
I agree, they should have been removed a long time ago to keep people from using them thinking they worked.
As a test if I am pointed to the exact codes to remove then I will remove them and report back

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Re: Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

Post by Pony99CA »

Did you search for "broken CAPTCHA" here? If you had, you would have found the stop distributing worthless CAPTCHAS in 3.1 RFC.

They certainly should be removed, but this topic is redundant.

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Re: Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

Post by Nuisance Value »

Some questions also seem to have been broken... The one "On which planet do we live?", in French, is definitely broken.
There is a limited number of default questions, so someone just has to go round a few board, write up the questions they see and include them in their bot's code...

I had an idea but I don't know how easy/hard it would be for me to implement it on my forum: instead of the captchas, using pictures. Then asking people to write what is drawn on the picture. Or, for example, I could have a picture of Mike Tyson and ask people what his profession was.

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Re: Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

Post by DavidIQ »

Sortables CAPTCHA sort of something like that.

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Re: Preventing spam (Ref: remove broken captchas)

Post by Danielx64 »

DavidIQ wrote:Sortables CAPTCHA sort of something like that.

Or even something like "are you human?" game ( but have a version that users can run on their own servers

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