It is very relevant because Arial font is too bold on Mac systems. Here, a screenshot of Droid Sans / Arial solution:
Code: Select all
font-family: 'Droid Sans', Arial;
font-weight: bold;

- arial.png (31.8 KiB) Viewed 17769 times
Look how Arial is handled differently on different operating systems and even browsers within same operating system. It has slightly different vertical alignment on Windows and Mac, completely different font weight even though all those buttons are supposed to be bold. It is even worse than current Verdana situation.
Open Sans has none of those issues.
DionDesigns wrote:I guess I don't understand why one would want to load multiple resources (one for the CSS if using Google, and at least two WOFF/EOT font files) to use for a few buttons, when internal fonts can be used with equal (or better) results.
I'd love to include them in package, but there is a licensing issue.
None of preinstalled fonts display the same over different operating systems / browsers, but Open Sans is displayed almost the same.
You've yet to show an internal font that can be used with equal results. I'm open to suggestions, but do not claim things like which font is better as fact without providing proof.
DionDesigns wrote:IMO these efforts would be better spent with replacing the crappy-looking fonts (such as Trebuchet MS and Courier), and the outdated/obscure fonts (such as Andale Mono and Lucida Grande), in the CSS.
Those are actually good ideas.