A little while back I created my first PHP website. I generally learn by doing so it's by no means perfect but it works and does what I want it to do. Step forward to a month or so ago when I decided to make my own forum, related to the initial website, everything went great and I've been, again, learning by doing. This has brought me to where I am now. I'm at the point where I would really like to merge some of the features of my site into my forum, so that I can pretty much ditch the site. Which brings me onto my query....
I have been trialling an extra page via my offline duplicate forum and all is going well. It's a very simple page I created using the wonderful tutorial on here for adding static pages. Thanks to the tutorial it also only allows members to access this data. This got me thinking about a dynamic page.
Is there any issue with me creating a dynamic page along with a table of information that can be accessed via the page? The table would only be storing basic information along with the user ID of who logged it.
In my head I'm pretty confident about going about the task but the last thing I want to do is make my forum insecure. My thoughts are that I'll make the new page only accessible by members, and from that page the members can post their own recipes... again only viewable by members.
Is there any obvious issues with me going about this? I'm going through all the template tutorials/info at the moment and want to get started on my offline forum over the next few days.
Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to give a little background in order to show where I'm at and what I'm thinking.