Standardize Theme structure

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Standardize Theme structure

Post by hanakin »

Alter the current theme structure to follow that of HTML Boilerplate which is a growing standard across the web for the folder structure for html/css/js files to be layed out in.

What this means
1. Make sure all js files are being included via the new INCLUDEJS var (curently the editor.js is not)
2. Move all of these outside the template folder into their own folder labeled "js"
3. Move the images folder outside of the theme folder and rename it to "img"
4. Seperate the language specific files into two locations the images inot the new img folder created under the language folder and the css in the current location
5. Rename the "theme" folder to "css"
6. Move all the HTML files out of the template folder into the primary directory.

Proposed structure

Code: Select all

+ js
   - JS files
+ img
   - image files
   + en
      - language specific image files
+ css
   - css files
   + en
      - language specific css files
- attachment.html
- bbcode.html
  • This would provide future versions of PHPBB to adhere to an established common practice naming convention/structure for theme related files.
  • Allow for easier navigation and understanding of files for first time designers/developers/users
  • Allow for easier addition of addons such as css grids/frameworks/jquery plugins/etc.
  • Provide common already understood base for the Front-End Development community to work with
  • Would break alot of themes from 3.0.11 (3.1 currently does that already)
  • Theme authors would have to familiarize themselves with a new folder structure(Again its already a well documented and support structure so not exactly all that bad)
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