User Self Delete

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Re: [RFC] User Self Delete

Post by Dog Cow »

DavidIQ wrote:
EXreaction wrote:Users should not be able to permanently delete themselves and all of their records, the records may be important for administrative staff and potentially even for legal reasons.

Deactivating their accounts and removing everything from the public is enough.
Look at how Yahoo handles it.

They accept your request to delete your account, but it gets put on a queue for a few weeks so someone at Yahoo can look over your account and try to figure out if there's some sort of shenanigan going on.

The result is, even if your account at Yahoo does eventually get deleted or deactivated at the user's request, this action doesn't occur until later.

Closing your Yahoo account

Account Termination Page says:
In most cases your account will be deactivated and then deleted from our user registration database in approximately 90 days. This delay is necessary to discourage users from engaging in fraudulent activity. Additionally, due to the limited number of names available, we may allow other users to sign up for and use your current Yahoo! ID and profile names after your account has been deleted.

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Re: [RFC] User Self Delete

Post by Chaot_s »

EXreaction wrote:Users should not be able to permanently delete themselves and all of their records, the records may be important for administrative staff and potentially even for legal reasons.

Deactivating their accounts and removing everything from the public is enough.
i agree with this,

If phpbb would provide the feature i would have loads of discussions with users that demand this option to be enabled... it would would also ruin loads of threads in my opinion.


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Re: User Self Delete

Post by softelp »

Simple: make it board configurable.

User can delete account, dropdown:
*Yes but not mass remove posts
*Yes and all posts.

For my board I would choose the latter, but by doing this we are not restricted to one-size-fits-all.

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Re: User Self Delete

Post by Master_Cylinder »

That would never be enabled in my forums, regardless if members want it or not. I don't see anything wrong with an extension for that but I'd never install it.
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Re: User Self Delete

Post by nachtelb »

I agree with softelp. This option will be very useful. I would prefer to give only one option to my users (delete account without posts). But the suggested 4 configurable options for the backend sound fine.

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Re: [RFC] User Self Delete

Post by naderman »

DavidIQ wrote:
EXreaction wrote:Users should not be able to permanently delete themselves and all of their records, the records may be important for administrative staff and potentially even for legal reasons.

Deactivating their accounts and removing everything from the public is enough.
Actually for legal reasons it should be possible to allow users to delete themselves including all of their records and private information. Some jurisdictions require that such an option is available to any user so that they can ensure no personal or identifying information about them is stored anymore if they so wish.

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Re: User Self Delete

Post by EXreaction »

Complete deletion should at least require administrator approval as it may be important to keep the records for specific cases.

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Re: User Self Delete

Post by naderman »

I really don't think that's always necessary. We should simply make this an option the administrator can set. I wouldn't want to manually review all deletion requests on a board the size of as an administrator. If you're require to allow them to delete all records, you might as well just turn that option on.

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Re: User Self Delete

Post by Tomba »

Agreed that a user should not be able to remove his account and posts entirely himself (or at least that is up to the mod to configure how he wants it to).

However, as I mentioned at viewtopic.php?f=81&t=44973&view=unread#unread , the EU is working on new privacy regulations, which as it stands will also consider IP information as private data. As such, when "delete user info without posts", all IP information related to these posts must also be deleted. The law is not in stone until another 5 months, but I think it's worth keeping in mind so that phpBB admins can at least set up their forums to be able to delete a user's information in compliance with EU regulations.

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Re: User Self Delete

Post by brunoais »

How about the situation of asking to delete to evade a ban?

How does the law work with those situations?

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