Most developers or other people come asking mostly on how to reproduce the issue and never come back to give their opinion.
So, do i really stand alone ?
Senky wrote:+1
please, create a ticket for it. It is simple fix. As long as it will be created, I can PR patch.
And do not forget about all textarea places - PMs, UCP, ACP, ...
keith10456 wrote:+1 And confirmed on phpBB main website using Chrome v21.0 and FF v12. See screenshot below.
1) Start new topic.
2) Click and drag text area resizer... First drag it vertically (it won't allow you to drag it horizontally first), then drag it horizontally.
* Edit - Just tested and confirmed in FF as well. Updated post.
keith10456 wrote:I'm not a dev but if the fix for the problem was unknown and/or if it was a headache to correct the issue then I could see the reasoning for passing over this (until 3.1). However, TheKiller posted the fix so why the push-back?
I understand it's not a major bug... But it appears to be a simple fix.
Or is it because the fix will cause a headache to implement (for devs and/or other styles)?
As I said, I'm not a dev so there may be some things on the backend that I'm not aware of.
Just a note, the problem is with the prosilver style as well. I just checked my dev site.