Arty wrote:Users don't have a clue of what is good for them.
That sounds very arrogant
Which type of user do you mean?
- the end-user of a board who is very often "eye-orientated" and says: "this site looks good, i stay"?
- the owner of a board who has to decide which style to use depending on the previous user-decision?
- the style-developer, who designs a style for the owner and / or the phpBB-Community?
- the mod-author, who has to write the code for including in the style?
My personal position:
i am developer and maintaining a board. Years ago, our owner decided to use subsilver2 as the board style (because the previous phpBB2-version of the board used subsilver) and set up a second style, only different in colours and images, not templates. The users can decide to use one of those styles, prosilver was deactivated.
The board and the style have some modifications, including own images for buttons. The style modifications have not been adopted in prosilver from the beginning, so the current source of prosilver in our style-folder is unusable for our board (untestet automatic modifications from automod, missing modifications from manual installed mods etc.). We (better say me) have to do a lot of work to adept all changes including creation of new images.
So, in my eyes the auditorium for a question like above will be style developers and (in lower priority) board owners, not the end user. And i think for those type of users, you can't say
Users don't have a clue of what is good for them
Give them good arguments why prosilver is better (not "styles team leader hates to maintain subsilver2")
And, give a good and readable documentation on styling based on prosilver - phpBB lacks of good documentation of internals. From 25 years experience in developing, the best documentation for developers is in-source-documentation, because developers hate manuals.