phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by Oleg »

You should probably post whatever proposals and/or issues with development you have publicly here rather than expecting one person to deal with them.
MartinTruckenbrodt wrote: You can have a look to the install.xml of Advanced Doubel Activation Pack to answer my question about Extensions Manager, too. ;) I have no own experience with these things.
The development team is busy with implementing events and other changes. We do not have the resources to port every modification to the event system.

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

Hello Oleg,
as I understand the things right I have red about the extensions, events and hooks things by now I can prophesy you that these things will not have any chance to be successfully. In my opinion it's a thing which looks nice in theory but it will not be usefull for the daily practical use.

A offer not always has to be a deal. ;)

I will unsubscribe this topic now. If dev team wants to answer my offer then please send a PM.

Bye Martin
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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by XTF »

Unknown Bliss wrote:It does but for it to be worth the amount of development time and the significance of extensions the overall view was it would need extensions.
Sure, but we need actions, not words. If nobody is willing to finish extensions in a reasonable timeframe (which IMO has expired already) I really think it should not be waited on.

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by DavidIQ »

Extensions is the biggest selling point of 3.1. No extensions then no 3.1. Period. So yes it needs to be waited on and finished especially if we want phpBB to thrive. You're basically wanting the car to be thrown out to production knowing the transmission is missing... :-|

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by XTF »

No, I'm requesting a manual transmission until the automatic one is ready. :p

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by bantu »

MartinTruckenbrodt wrote:If dev team doesn't want to tell me which features would be added to the (Ascraeus or) Arsia core or if the are not able to make a usefull public preselection for the Arsia features then I will not start any coding for extensions or patches.
Everything that has been decided on is available on area51 which is public. So, if you can not find a "ultimate and authoritive feature list for arsia", that means there is no such thing.

I suggest you do the following for every feature/improvement you would like to see in phpBB core (like everyone else):
  1. Write an RFC outlining what the problem is and how it can be solved. Consider drawbacks, affected user count, performance implications etc.
    The feedback to the RFC should be a good indicator whether the feature would be accepted into core or should better be developed as a modification or extension.
  2. If the RFC topic indidates it would a good idea to add your feature into core, you can go ahead and start implementing it.

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

Hello Andreas,
for (Olympus and) Ascraeus I've been too late. For a long time I haven't known that Area51 is the officially place to post feature requests: and
WIKI_issue.png (34.3 KiB) Viewed 14030 times

On a concrete information about where to post feature requests is missing. Maybe I'm little bit hard. But if you tell there where not to post them you should also tell where to post them.

I'm still using the RFC forums. But my experience is that they are not very usefully for a feature discussion. Also there is no rating or poll system.
But next time I will check my topics. And maybe I will add some more of them.

Bye Martin
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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by MichaelC » and and a topic I can't find about adding an ideas centre to the main site which is under development by the website team.
Formerly known as Unknown Bliss
psoTFX wrote: I went with Olympus because as I said to the teams ... "It's been one hell of a hill to climb"
No unsolicited PMs please except for quotes.

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Re: phpBB 3.1 Information and Status

Post by Oleg »

XTF wrote: Sure, but we need actions, not words. If nobody is willing to finish extensions in a reasonable timeframe (which IMO has expired already) I really think it should not be waited on.
We are committed to shipping 3.1 when extensions are finished. Too much effort has already been expended in this direction to change it. Your options are help or wait.

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Re: Reserved

Post by MattF »

Oleg wrote:Upgrading from 3.0
I have several general questions about what the strategies are when the time to upgrade from 3.0 to 3.1 becomes reality, mostly with respect to how MODs will be affected:

1. If phpBB 3.1 will be an applied update to existing 3.0.X boards (like the way current updates are applied), what does that mean for boards that have a lot of MODs...will those MODs be allowed to exist in an updated 3.1 board?

2. Will MOD authors be required to only create extensions for 3.1, or will traditional code-altering MODs and the MODX format still be allowed too?

3. Like the way Apple releases beta/developer versions of their next OS so developers can have their software ready for it at the time of final release, will there be some sort of "gold" or "RC" pre-release strategy that will give MOD authors time to learn, rewrite and test their MODs as extensions, to minimize any sort of extension/style dry-spell at the time 3.1 is released?
Has an irascible disposition.
