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This is extremely basic and may be in the wrong forum:

Post by onealns »

Is it possible to redirect one of my forums (or better yet categories) to my Calender in phpBB without the need of getting into code?

Please move this and I apologize if I posted in the wrong spot, I am new here x.x

Thanks in advance everyone! =)

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Re: This is extremely basic and may be in the wrong forum:

Post by imkingdavid »

In the future please request support on main forums.

But to answer your question, you can set up a "Link" type forum in the ACP. Create a new forum and in the dropdown with Category and Forum, select Link.
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Re: This is extremely basic and may be in the wrong forum:

Post by onealns »

Thanks so much; I am using a site called, "" -- I have already purchased a DNS and I will be moving a completed forum to that DNS soon enough, but this website I guess is not updated enough to include "Link"

My only options are Forum and Category =/

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Re: This is extremely basic and may be in the wrong forum:

Post by onealns »

Take a look, would you like admin status so you can see what's up?

If they do not allow it, do you have any idea where I could obtain a subdomain to use to install and use phpBB and create the forum and see if my boss likes it before I move it over to the real DNS? =( I need to find someone who would allow me a few megabytes of space and a subdomain to temporarily host my forum until I finish constructing it. Should only take about 24 horus =/

EDIT: So sorry for the double post.

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Re: This is extremely basic and may be in the wrong forum:

Post by imkingdavid »

Many free phpBB hosts like forumer alter the original phpBB code to remove and change features that are normally in the original package. We do not support forums hosted by those companies.

To get this functionality, I recommend downloading and installing phpBB from onto your own web server. I'm not sure if forumer provides database backups, but if so you can then restore your current board's database into the new installation.

If you need some hosting, search google for a free PHP/Mysql host (that gives you a subdomain). Many have instant setup and while they require ads, if this is just a temporary thing to make sure you have the features you need, that shouldn't be a problem.

Also, you're welcome to test almost all of the functionality in a clean installation of phpBB by using the demo. Demo boards are linked to your IP so you can't share it, and it gets cleared every hour. But it should give you a pretty good idea of what you can and cannot do on a clean phpBB board.
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