[RFC|Duplicate] Subscription Notification: Don't show twice for topic

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[RFC|Duplicate] Subscription Notification: Don't show twice for topic

Post by brunoais »

I don't know how many of you use the subscription system but I do.
For the ones that use, did you notice the particularity where you are warned twice and differently for two replys in a topic if you are subscribed to both topic and forum?
It's true! For people like me it's annoying! Receiving two different e-mails from the forum (different subjects and different body texts(!)). If it had the same subject and the same body, it's simple to see they are the same, in this situation... :x .

When a notification is sent save that information so that there is no repetition to the user.
If a notification that a reply to a topic is made save that so that in the next reply the users who both are notified for forums and topics don't get the topic warning the first time one replies and the forum warning the second time someone replies (considering the warned user didn't access the forum between both times)

What do you think?

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Re: [RFC] Subscription Notification: Don't show twice for to

Post by DavidIQ »


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