Moving away from Jira

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Moving away from Jira

Post by Oleg »

There is a large amount of unhappiness with jira going around. I do not recall seeing a thorough evaluation of alternatives before jira was chosen, and the arguments to stay with jira tend to say "it has useful features" but don't always specify what those features are.

Therefore, for this topic I propose the following:

1. We enumerate all features of jira that we use, and classify them into two buckets: positively needed and nice to have.
2. Alternative issue tracking systems may be suggested with a checklist of how they fare against our needs from #1.

The ultimate goal is to either validate the claim that jira has no alternatives that we can use or find such an alternative.

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Jira features list

Post by Oleg »


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Alternative issue tracking systems

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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by DavidIQ »

I know that in the past there were issues with slowness and we still have an issue with attachments. But the slowness is pretty much done away with and the attachments issue will be brought up to Atlassian for resolution. What other gripes are you talking about? Also if a decision is made to go with something else then the conversion factor needs to be taken into consideration (from JIRA to whatever might be decided as an alternative).

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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by imkingdavid »

One question I have is: Are we limited by the free open source license to 4.2.4? The latest version I can see is 4.4.

This list may help give a good range of options to pick from.
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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by MichaelC »

Here is my personal view on what features would be required and what would be nice. All of which are in JIRA.

Required Features:
Having affected versions and fix for versions on one tracker project. - So that Ascraeus, Arsia and Olympus can be on one tracker.
Patch Submission as URL or file
Import Features
Custom Statuses/Customisable Workflow (Can add personalised statuses e.g. unmerged patch, unreviewed patch etc.)
Bug Types - Improvement, Feature and Bug
Continuous Integration or bamboo integration (This is why JIRA works as it integrates seamlessly with bamboo as they are both Alsation products)
Filters (for QA viewing unverified fixes for version x.x.x or unmerged fixes for version x.x.x or unreviewed fixes etc.)

Would be nice:
Either a voting system or easy to integrate with an ideas system (See here). Maybe symfony based might be nice?
Able to integrate with phpBB - Users

Just my .02
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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by Noxwizard »

imkingdavid wrote:One question I have is: Are we limited by the free open source license to 4.2.4? The latest version I can see is 4.4.
No, we aren't. We will be updating it to 4.4 once 3.0.10 is out the door.

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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by doktornotor »

Just one minute to share my experience:

1/ Had to Google and search the other tracker to find out that I do not need to register (which was pretty much impossible anyway due to totally broken registration hint)
2/ Attachments not working (tried with FF and Chrome latest versions), pick up the file, submit, well, the stupid thing has not noticed anything and told me I need to pick up some file to upload
3/ Screenshots not working (asking me to install JRE6 when I already have JRE7 installed) - another known upstream bug
4/ Cannot use back button at all, the stupid thing makes the browser ask me about resubmitting the data (this one is really a WTH moment)
5/ Bunch of "minor" (compared to the above) other bugs and annoyances
6/ The ticket changes/edits/status changes there produce such an incredible mess (concerning readability, horrible formatting and generally useless noise) there that I only can share my sincere sympathies for you guys who have to work with the junk on a daily basis.
7/ The wiki syntax is plain horrible when it comes to usability.
8/ ... eh, enough time wasted.

As for alternatives, have yet to see anything matching the Bugzilla (that said with a couple of years of daily bug wrangling experience for a major F/OSS project)

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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by MichaelC »

doktornotor wrote:7/ The wiki syntax is plain horrible when it comes to usability.
The wiki is (now) completely separate from JIRA and runs off MediaWiki.
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Re: Moving away from Jira

Post by doktornotor »

Unknown Bliss wrote:
doktornotor wrote:7/ The wiki syntax is plain horrible when it comes to usability.
The wiki is (now) completely separate from JIRA and runs off MediaWiki.
Not really sure what you mean? I mean the syntax used for formatting the text in JIRA tickets... I.e., when in comment, click on the yellow ? icon and you get the "help" with all that obnoxious syntax.

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