Finish up and release

General discussion of development ideas and the approaches taken in the 3.x branch of phpBB. The current feature release of phpBB 3 is 3.3/Proteus.
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Re: Finish up and release

Post by Lurttinen »

wGEric wrote:
Oleg wrote:I don't know. Why don't you contribute hooks so that we can release 3.1?
You're attitude is incredibly concerning. I hope the whole development team doesn't share this same opinion. You are saying I'm going to do what I want and if the community wants something they will have to do it. You are trying to pass the blame when the development team is the cause of the
If we quote someone further instead taking the quote out of context and comment that:
Oleg wrote:
Erik Frèrejean wrote: Well there is your problem, why aren't more community members implementing them? There are plenty of good coders in this community, but yet pretty much none of them can be bothered to contribute.
I don't know. Why don't you contribute hooks so that we can release 3.1?
The developers are doing the best job they can under the circumstances.

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Re: Finish up and release

Post by nextgen »

Lurttinen wrote:If we quote someone further instead taking the quote out of context and comment that:
Not being a developer I think the opinion of phpBB users should be taken into account to improve :)

wGEric I agree with parts of what he says, because at the time were part of the team of ;)

This will be unique and last comment on this topic because I do is distort the issue. :)
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Re: Finish up and release

Post by Oleg »

I posted the current "official" RFC policy for 3.1 here: viewtopic.php?f=81&t=41977#p231161

If I overlooked something or if any other clarifications regarding 3.1 are needed please let me know.

I pitched the idea of cutting hooks from 3.1 on the IRC channel but it received zero support.

So far (to my knowledge) none of people who actually contributed major features to 3.1 requested an immediate release of 3.1. Compare:
  • I contributed feature X, please release it now so that I and others can use it.
  • I see you have not released anything recently, and this makes me not want to contribute. If you release now I might contribute in the future.
I would like to have more frequent releases, but just like with everything else the development team just does not have enough bandwidth to release as frequently as we would like. At this time hooks (and migrations, see viewtopic.php?f=84&t=41337&p=228807) are staying as 3.1 blockers.

For those who want to help with 3.1 being released sooner rather than later, I suggest:

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