Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

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Re: Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

Post by philnate »

ewall wrote:Hey devs! I've been happily using phpBB 3.x for several years now, and am generally impressed at the strength of the design. In the past few months, however, I am getting more frustrated with spammers' registration attempts. With my board set to require administrator approval, I get dozens of emails a day... you know the drill. (And so far banning IP ranges hasn't helped much either. I must've blocked half the ISPs in Russia by now!)

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has tried using Bad Behavior with phpBB 3.x. Someone had done a port for phpBB v2.x but never got around to finishing a phpBB 3.x version. And it's only been mentioned a couple times in these dev boards.

I'm not very good with PHP, but I can code and it looks like Bad Behavior can be added into many PHP apps with only a little fuss... so I'm willing to give it a try. (Maybe out of laziness I might just edit it into my own installation, without taking the time to learn how to code a real mod.)

Anyone else tried this recently? Have any tips or warnings for me?
Hi I've ported once Bad Behavior to phpBB2 and even had a local version running for phpBB3, but then I hadn't the time to work on it further and somewhen I lost the version. As of the old Version I hadn't heard anything bad (too much false positives). All I have done is a wrapper to use it for phpBB and some (nice) GUI for maintenance and investigation.
bonelifer wrote:I've found this: Not sure how good it is, but it is being actively developed, as of typing this they'd done a commit about an hour before.
That's me again :).
Lately I've found the time to start over again. As you can see for the referenced project page I'm planning to release the first official version very soon. If you like feel free to contribute through code snippets, feature or bug requests.

Edit: Just edited the name on Github so all versions can be managed under one repository. The new repository Location is:

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Re: Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

Post by ledzef »

great job! Thanks for the fixes. I will apply it soon. I'm not really experiencing it but I better be prepared. :D

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Re: Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

Post by dynomite »

I get this error:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file /includes/session.php on line 1035: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /phbadbehave3.php:195)

Any tips?

*Edited with answer.

Open the file phbadbehave3.php file and delete the trailing lines after "?>"

You should be left with 193 lines instead of 195 and all is well.


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Re: Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

my last visit on area51 is long time ago.

@michield: Which phpBB3 SFS MOD are you using?
Some months ago I've added SFS support to Advanced Block MOD on the development board. Since this implementation I'm doing a daily look to my My Spammers log on SFS website. In my experience it's much more than 50% of spammers. I haven't done a statistic report last time. But I think it's more than 90%. You can have a look to my demo block log: ... m_logs.php Please notice that ABM on the dev board is not using ABM default settings. E.g. normally if spam is blocked by IP-RBL DNS check no HTTP (SFS) will be done.
I think SFS is a good thing. You can block only by ip or email. These are the values most of spammers are ot changing very often. Username is changed very often. Most of spammers don't want to change email very often. They need static email to activate their user accounts automatically if account activation is set to User.
Yes, it seems that SFS is done mostly for registrations. But you can use it for guest postings very successfully, too. One omportant point is that for reporting to SFS database ip, username and email are required. This reduces the number of false positives very successfully. But in phpBB by default you not require a email for guest postings. So you could not report spammers based on guest postings by default.
One other important bad point: HTTP request are much more slowly than DNS request - HTTP blacklist vs. DNS blacklist. ...

@philnate: Since some weeks I'm thinking about adding Bad Behaviour to Advanced Block MOD. For this MOD it would be a completely new feature. But it only can block some of spambots and not any human spammer. Also IMO it can been hacked.
What's your experience in efficiency and false positives?

Bye Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.1 has been released! - Prevent spam on your phpBB3 board with Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot and several IP-RBL and Domain-RBL DNS blacklists! - My MODs

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Re: Anyone ported Bad Behavior?

Post by MartinTruckenbrodt »

Hello philnate,
last days I've been working a lot on the next generation of Advanced Block MOD. SFS has been added several months ago. But now I've added BotScout and Akismet, too. In my experience it seems that SFS is the most efficient HTTP blacklist within these three blacklists. Next days I want to add Project Honeypot, too. But at the moment their website is offline.

Bad Behaviour:
I've decided not to add Bad Behaviour to ABM. There's a simple reason. Bad Behaviour is a own application or a standalone application contains a lot of single features in one package. It's more like a software IDS/firewall/proxy appliance. So I only could add something like a bridge or a hook to this software suite. I think this could be not a big thing. But IMO a good tutorial would be a better solution.

It's the same thing as for Bad Behaviour it is.

There are also some other projects which are using different well known features and blacklists in one package at least in one PHP class. My aim is to integrate some of these features directly in phpBB and not to connect phpBB to another software.

If you have other ideas for further services or blacklist please let me know. I'm very interested in every idea which keeps spam out by blocking spam posts and spam user registrations.

Bye Martin
Advanced Block MOD 1.1.1 has been released! - Prevent spam on your phpBB3 board with Stop Forum Spam, BotScout, Akismet, Project Honey Pot and several IP-RBL and Domain-RBL DNS blacklists! - My MODs

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