Hi I've ported once Bad Behavior to phpBB2 and even had a local version running for phpBB3, but then I hadn't the time to work on it further and somewhen I lost the version. As of the old Version I hadn't heard anything bad (too much false positives). All I have done is a wrapper to use it for phpBB and some (nice) GUI for maintenance and investigation.ewall wrote:Hey devs! I've been happily using phpBB 3.x for several years now, and am generally impressed at the strength of the design. In the past few months, however, I am getting more frustrated with spammers' registration attempts. With my board set to require administrator approval, I get dozens of emails a day... you know the drill. (And so far banning IP ranges hasn't helped much either. I must've blocked half the ISPs in Russia by now!)
Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone has tried using Bad Behavior with phpBB 3.x. Someone had done a port for phpBB v2.x but never got around to finishing a phpBB 3.x version. And it's only been mentioned a couple times in these dev boards.
I'm not very good with PHP, but I can code and it looks like Bad Behavior can be added into many PHP apps with only a little fuss... so I'm willing to give it a try. (Maybe out of laziness I might just edit it into my own installation, without taking the time to learn how to code a real mod.)
Anyone else tried this recently? Have any tips or warnings for me?
That's me againbonelifer wrote:I've found this: https://github.com/philnate/phBadBehave3 Not sure how good it is, but it is being actively developed, as of typing this they'd done a commit about an hour before.
Lately I've found the time to start over again. As you can see for the referenced project page I'm planning to release the first official version very soon. If you like feel free to contribute through code snippets, feature or bug requests.
Edit: Just edited the name on Github so all versions can be managed under one repository. The new repository Location is: https://github.com/philnate/phBadBehave