After I started translating parts of the existing code base to jQuery, it quickly became a very tiring task. And while it's nice to have everything be nice and clean, doing this in one huge step is not really feasible. And in fact, quite a bad idea.
I would like to officially target 3.1 for jQuery. Without necessarily translating all of the existing code base to use it. We can translate specific parts over on demand. And also do this in small chunks.
Why is doing this a good idea:
- we can use jQuery for new user interface things in the future
- we may get contributions from frontend- and ux people
- mods can use it (without stepping on each others' toes)
- styles can use it
A security issue in jQuery results in a PL (patch-level) release of phpBB. We update to the latest 1.6.x release whenever a new version of phpBB comes out. phpBB 3.1 is tied to jQuery 1.6.