Releasing 3.0.9
Discussion of general topics related to the new release and its place in the world. Don't discuss new features, report bugs, ask for support, et cetera. Don't use this to spam for other boards or attack those boards!
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Releasing 3.0.9
the development team would soon like to release another version of the phpBB 3.0 series. We already made the development of phpBB more open and we would like to continue this by posting release preparation topics in public.
Below you can find the todo list for the release of phpBB 3.0.9. The list is based on the 3.0.8 preparation list and will probably be edited later on.
If you have a strong feeling about a bug that is blocking the 3.0.9-RC1 release, this is your last time to speak up.
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
- Releasing 3.0.9-RC1:
- Move all bug reports assigned to fix version "3.0.9-RC1" to "3.0.10-RC1" in Tracker. ✔
- Create "3.0.9-RC2" version on the tracker. ✔
- Create "3.0.11-RC1" version on the tracker. ✔
- Update version number in develop-olympus to "3.0.9" in the following files: ✔
Code: Select all
phpBB/docs/INSTALL.html phpBB/install/convertors/convert_phpbb20.php phpBB/styles/prosilver/imageset/imageset.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/style.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/template.cfg phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/theme.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/imageset/imageset.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/style.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/template/template.cfg phpBB/styles/subsilver2/theme/theme.cfg
- Update version number in develop-olympus to "3.0.9-RC1" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Go through Changelog/Release Notes and correct any unreadable descriptions. ✔
- Commit Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.9-RC1 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9-RC1 ✔
- Post language changes for translators ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
- Branch prep-release-3.0.9 off of develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout -b prep-release-3.0.9 develop-olympus
- Tag prep-release-3.0.9 as release-3.0.9-RC1 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.9-RC1 -m "Tagging the 3.0.9-RC1 release."
- Merge release-3.0.9-RC1 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.9-RC1
- Update version number in develop-olympus to 3.0.10-dev in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.9 release-3.0.9-RC1
- Set release date for version 3.0.9-RC1 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.9-RC2:
- Create "3.0.9-RC3" version on the tracker. ✔
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.9 to "3.0.9-RC2" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.9-RC2 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.9-RC1 to 3.0.9-RC2 ✔
- Test update from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9-RC2 ✔
- Post language changes for translators (if any) ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
- Tag prep-release-3.0.9 as release-3.0.9-RC2 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.9-RC2 -m "Tagging the 3.0.9-RC2 release."
- Merge release-3.0.9-RC2 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.9-RC2
- Merge prep-release-3.0.9 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.9
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.9 release-3.0.9-RC2
- Set release date for version 3.0.9-RC2 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.9-RC3:
- Create "3.0.9-RC4" version on the tracker. ✔
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.9 to "3.0.9-RC3" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.9-RC3 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.9-RC2 to 3.0.9-RC3 ✔
- Test update from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9-RC3 ✔
- Post language changes for translators (if any) ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
- Tag prep-release-3.0.9 as release-3.0.9-RC3 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.9-RC3 -m "Tagging the 3.0.9-RC3 release."
- Merge release-3.0.9-RC3 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.9-RC3
- Merge prep-release-3.0.9 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.9
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.9 release-3.0.9-RC3
- Set release date for version 3.0.9-RC3 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.9-RC4:
- Create "3.0.9-RC5" version on the tracker. ✔
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.9 to "3.0.9-RC4" in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.9-RC4 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.9-RC3 to 3.0.9-RC4 ✔
- Test update from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9-RC4 ✔
- Post language changes for translators (if any) ✔
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.9-RC4*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/3.0.9-RC4\/\3/' | tac cat *to_3.0.9-RC4*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/update\/other_to_3.0.9-RC4\/\3/' | tac
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.9-RC4*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/3.0.9-RC4\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac cat *to_3.0.9-RC4*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/release_candidates\/update\/other_to_3.0.9-RC4\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac
- Tag prep-release-3.0.9 as release-3.0.9-RC4 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.9-RC4 -m "Tagging the 3.0.9-RC4 release."
- Merge release-3.0.9-RC4 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.9-RC4
- Merge prep-release-3.0.9 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.9
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb develop develop-olympus qa prep-release-3.0.9 release-3.0.9-RC4
- Set release date for version 3.0.9-RC4 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Announce in QA team forum ✔
- Announce on area51 ✔
- Update QA versioncheck ✔
- Announce on QA mailinglist ✔
- Releasing 3.0.9:
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.9 to 3.0.9 in these files: ✔
Code: Select all
build/build.xml phpBB/includes/constants.php phpBB/install/database_update.php phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- Update Changelog generated from Tracker (if any) ✔
Code: Select all
- Build packages ✔
Code: Select all
cd build phing
- Test install of 3.0.9 package ✔
- Test update from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9 ✔
- Test update from 3.0.9-RC? to 3.0.9 ✔
- Post language changes for translators (if any) ✔
- Merge prep-release-3.0.9 into develop-olympus ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop-olympus git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.9
- Merge develop-olympus into develop ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout develop git merge --no-ff develop-olympus
- Merge prep-release-3.0.9 into master ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout master git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.0.9
- Tag master as release-3.0.9 ✔
Code: Select all
git tag -a release-3.0.9 -m "Tagging the 3.0.9 release."
- Merge release-3.0.9 into qa ✔
Code: Select all
git checkout qa git merge --no-ff release-3.0.9
- Push changes ✔
Code: Select all
git push phpbb prep-release-3.0.9 develop-olympus develop qa master release-3.0.9
- Set release date for version 3.0.9 on the tracker ✔
- Delete version 3.0.9-RC5 on the tracker ✔
- Upload packages to ✔
- Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading ✔
- Update these files in the website repository: ✔
Code: Select all
files/release/package.xml vars.php (Make sure to also update the dates and old release versions) downloads/olympus.php (Make sure mirrors are turned off: DOWNLOAD_USE_LOCAL)
- Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form ✔
Code: Select all
git shortlog -sn release-3.0.8...release-3.0.9
Code: Select all
git diff --stat release-3.0.8...release-3.0.9
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.9*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/3.0.9\/\3/' | tac cat *to_3.0.9*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\nhttp:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/update\/to_3.0.9\/\3/' | tac
Code: Select all
cat phpBB-3.0.9*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/3.0.9\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac cat *to_3.0.9*.md5 | sed 's/^\([a-z0-9]*\) [.\/]*\(new_version\/\)*release_files\/\(.*\)/md5sum: \1\n[url=http:\/\/\/pub\/release\/3.0\/update\/to_3.0.9\/\3]\3[\/url]/' | tac
- Announce in public (create discussion topic and link them) ✔
- Upload files to sourceforge ✔
- Announce on mailinglist ✔
- Update QA and stable versioncheck ✔
- Upload Package to Microsoft Web Application Gallery ✔
- Update version number in prep-release-3.0.9 to 3.0.9 in these files: ✔
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
we waiting for final releasing.
but one question:
when is end of series 3.0 ? 3.0.10 is end? or like phpBB2 we must waiting for 23 version or more ? Many people like to begin 3.1 series.
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
One question though: what defines the choice for releasing an update now and moving the bug reports to 3.0.10 instead of solving all the bugs for 3.0.9? It seems to me that 3.0.8 is very stable, so there's no rush.
There's no 'end' defined yet. 3.1 is in development and after the release 3.0 will still be supported and updates will still be there. See this announcement: Significant phpBB (development) changesMeis2M wrote:but one question:
when is end of series 3.0 ? 3.0.10 is end? or like phpBB2 we must waiting for 23 version or more ? Many people like to begin 3.1 series.
- nickvergessen
- Former Team Member
- Posts: 733
- Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:54 am
- Location: Stuttgart, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
Well you don't really want to get the other 100 bugs fixed for 3.0.9: ... sion/10090Ger wrote:Thank you for sharing this with us.
One question though: what defines the choice for releasing an update now and moving the bug reports to 3.0.10 instead of solving all the bugs for 3.0.9? It seems to me that 3.0.8 is very stable, so there's no rush.
We also dont want to make the update package that huge, because it would just increase problems while updating.
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
- Contact:
Re: Releasing 3.0.9
bantu wrote:Hey all,
we are about to release phpBB 3.0.9-RC1. You can find the language changes in MOD format as well as in diff format below. Please update your packages so you can turn them in right after the final 3.0.9 release.
the Development Team
By the way, there is a public release preparation topic for 3.0.9 on area51 now: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=40122
MOD formatDiff/Patch formatCode: Select all
############################################################## ## Title: phpBB 3.0.8 to phpBB 3.0.9-RC1 Language Pack Changes ## Author: naderman < [email protected] > (Nils Adermann) ## Description: ## ## ## These are the phpBB 3.0.8 to phpBB 3.0.9-RC1 Language Pack Changes summed up ## into a little Mod. These changes are only partial and do not include any code ## changes, therefore not meant for updating phpBB. ## ## ## ## ## Files To Edit: ## language/en/acp/board.php ## language/en/acp/common.php ## language/en/acp/email.php ## language/en/acp/groups.php ## language/en/acp/posting.php ## language/en/acp/styles.php ## language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php ## language/en/common.php ## language/en/install.php ## language/en/mcp.php ## language/en/memberlist.php ## language/en/search.php ## language/en/ucp.php ## ## License: GNU General Public License v2 ############################################################## # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/board.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 49 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN' => 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in user control panel.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN' => 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in their user control panel.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 149 'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump this topic. Setting the value to 0 disables this feature.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump that topic. Setting the value to 0 disables bumping entirely.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 206 'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT' => 'New member post limit', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'New members are within the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group until they reach this number of posts. You can use this group to keep them from using the PM system or to review their posts. <strong>A value of 0 disables this feature.</strong>', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Set Newly Registered Users group to default', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes, and a new member post limit is specified, newly registered users will not only be put into the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group, but this group will also be their default one. This may come in handy if you want to assign a group default rank and/or avatar the user then inherits.', 'ACC_ADMIN' => 'By Admin', 'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable', 'ACC_NONE' => 'None', 'ACC_USER' => 'By User', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations. “Board-wide e-mail” must be enabled in order to use user or admin activation.', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT' => 'New member post limit', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'New members are within the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group until they reach this number of posts. You can use this group to keep them from using the PM system or to review their posts. <strong>A value of 0 disables this feature.</strong>', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Set Newly Registered Users group to default', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes, and a new member post limit is specified, newly registered users will not only be put into the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group, but this group will also be their default one. This may come in handy if you want to assign a group default rank and/or avatar the user then inherits.', 'ACC_ADMIN' => 'By admin', 'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable registration', 'ACC_NONE' => 'No activation (immediate access)', 'ACC_USER' => 'By user (e-mail verification)', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 323 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request a new anti-spambot task if they are unable to solve the currunt task during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request a new anti-spambot task if they are unable to solve the current task during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 392 'LDAP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding. Else fill in the password for the above user. Required for Active Directory Servers.<br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.</em>', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'LDAP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding, otherwise fill in the password for the above user. Required for Active Directory Servers.<br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.</em>', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 456 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID' => 'Validated <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will only be continued if the sent <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header equals the one sent with the previous request. Bans will be checked against IPs in <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> too.', 'IP_VALID' => 'Session IP validation', 'IP_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; <samp>All</samp> compares the complete address, <samp>A.B.C</samp> the first x.x.x, <samp>A.B</samp> the first x.x, <samp>None</samp> disables checking. On IPv6 addresses <samp>A.B.C</samp> compares the first 4 blocks and <samp>A.B</samp> the first 3 blocks.', 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS' => 'Maximum number of login attempts', 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPLAIN' => 'After this number of failed logins the user needs to additionally solve the anti-spambot task.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID' => 'Validate <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will only be continued if the sent <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header equals the one sent with the previous request. Bans will be checked against IPs in <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> too.', 'IP_VALID' => 'Session IP validation', 'IP_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; <samp>All</samp> compares the complete address, <samp>A.B.C</samp> the first x.x.x, <samp>A.B</samp> the first x.x, <samp>None</samp> disables checking. On IPv6 addresses <samp>A.B.C</samp> compares the first 4 blocks and <samp>A.B</samp> the first 3 blocks.', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_MAX' => 'Maximum number of login attempts per IP address', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'The threshold of login attempts allowed from a single IP address before an anti-spambot task is triggered. Enter 0 to prevent the anti-spambot task from being triggered by IP addresses.', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME' => 'IP address login attempt expiration time', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Login attempts expire after this period, in seconds.', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_USE_FORWARDED' => 'Limit login attempts by <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_USE_FORWARDED_EXPLAIN' => 'Instead of limiting login attempts by IP address they are limited by <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> values. <br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> Only enable this if you are operating a proxy server that sets <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> to trustworthy values.</em>', 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS' => 'Maximum number of login attempts per username', 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPLAIN' => 'The number of login attempts allowed for a single account before the anti-spambot task is triggered. Enter 0 to prevent the anti-spambot task from being trigger for distinct user accounts.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/common.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 253 'NO_ADMIN' => 'You are not authorised to administrate this board.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'NO_ADMIN' => 'You are not authorised to administer this board.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/email.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 50 'SEND_IMMEDIATELY' => 'Send immediately', 'SEND_TO_GROUP' => 'Send to group', 'SEND_TO_USERS' => 'Send to users', 'SEND_TO_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Entering names here will override any group selected above. Enter each username on a new line.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 55 # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'MAIL_BANNED' => 'Mail banned users', 'MAIL_BANNED_EXPLAIN' => 'When sending a mass e-mail to a group you can select here whether banned users will also receive the e-mail.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/groups.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 34 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'From this panel you can administrate all your usergroups. You can delete, create and edit existing groups. Furthermore, you may choose group leaders, toggle open/hidden/closed group status and set the group name and description.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'From this panel you can administer all your usergroups. You can delete, create and edit existing groups. Furthermore, you may choose group leaders, toggle open/hidden/closed group status and set the group name and description.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/posting.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 166 'SMILIE_NO_CODE' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no code entered.', 'SMILIE_NO_EMOTION' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no emotion entered.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'SMILIE_NO_CODE' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as there was no code entered.', 'SMILIE_NO_EMOTION' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as there was no emotion entered.', 'SMILIE_NO_FILE' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as the file is missing.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 232 'ACP_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *. Please note that you will not be allowed to specify any username that has already been registered, you must first delete that name then disallow it.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Add a disallowed username', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit.', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Remove a disallowed username', 'DISALLOWED_ALREADY' => 'The name you entered could not be disallowed. It either already exists in the list, exists in the word censor list, or a matching username is present.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'ACP_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Add a disallowed username', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit.', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Remove a disallowed username', 'DISALLOWED_ALREADY' => 'The name you entered is already disallowed.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/acp/styles.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 76 'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. You cannot remove all the style elements from here. These must be deleted individually via their respective forms. Take care when deleting styles, there is no undo facility.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. Take care in deleting styles, there is no undo capability.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 283 'INSTALLED_IMAGESET' => 'Installed imagesets', 'INSTALLED_STYLE' => 'Installed styles', 'INSTALLED_TEMPLATE' => 'Installed templates', 'INSTALLED_THEME' => 'Installed themes', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'KEEP_IMAGESET' => 'Keep "%s" imageset', 'KEEP_TEMPLATE' => 'Keep "%s" template', 'KEEP_THEME' => 'Keep "%s" theme', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 283 'LINE_SPACING' => 'Line spacing', 'LOCALISED_IMAGES' => 'Localised', 'LOCATION_DISABLED_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting is inherited and cannot be changed.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 323 'REPLACE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'This style will replace the one being deleted for members that use it.', 'REPLACE_TEMPLATE' => 'Replace template with', 'REPLACE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'This template set will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.', 'REPLACE_THEME' => 'Replace theme with', 'REPLACE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'This theme will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'REPLACE_WITH_OPTION' => 'Replace with "%s"', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 35 'RECAPTCHA_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'In order to use reCaptcha, you must create an account on <a href=""></a>.', 'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha', 'RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT' => 'The visual confirmation code you submitted was incorrect', 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC' => 'Public reCaptcha key', 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Your public reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE' => 'Private reCaptcha key', 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Your private reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'RECAPTCHA_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'In order to use reCaptcha, you must create an account on <a href=""></a>.', 'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha', 'RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT' => 'The visual confirmation code you submitted was incorrect', 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC' => 'Public reCaptcha key', 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Your public reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE' => 'Private reCaptcha key', 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Your private reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/common.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 188 'FORUMS_MARKED' => 'All forums have been marked read.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'FORUMS_MARKED' => 'The selected forums have been marked read.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 320 'LOG_ME_IN' => 'Log me on automatically each visit', 'MARK' => 'Mark', 'MARK_ALL' => 'Mark all', 'MARK_FORUMS_READ' => 'Mark forums read', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'MARK_SUBFORUMS_READ' => 'Mark subforums read', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 327 'MIB' => 'MiB', 'MCP' => 'Moderator Control Panel', 'MEMBERLIST' => 'Members', 'MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN' => 'View complete list of members', 'MERGE' => 'Merge', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 332 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Merge posts', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Move posts', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 528 'SEARCH_POSTS_BY' => 'Search posts by', 'SEARCH_SELF' => 'View your posts', 'SEARCH_TOPIC' => 'Search this topic…', 'SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => 'View unanswered posts', 'SEARCH_UNREAD' => 'View unread posts', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'SEARCH_USER_POSTS' => 'Search user’s posts', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/install.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 126 'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. On PostgreSQL, use localhost to connect to the local server via UNIX domain socket and to connect via TCP.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. On PostgreSQL, use localhost to connect to the local server via UNIX domain socket and to connect via TCP. For SQLite, enter the full path to your database file.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 300 'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN' => '<strong>Optional</strong> - This setting is optional, however certain phpBB functions like off-site avatars will not work properly without it. ', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN' => '<strong>Optional</strong> - This setting is optional, however certain phpBB functions like off-site avatars will not work properly without it.', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 368 'ALL_FILES_UP_TO_DATE' => 'All files are up to date with the latest phpBB version. You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory! Please send us updated information about your server and board configurations from the <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">Send statistics</a> module in your ACP.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'ALL_FILES_UP_TO_DATE' => 'All files are up to date with the latest phpBB version. You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory! Please send us updated information about your server and board configurations from the <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">Send statistics</a> module in your ACP.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/mcp.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 207 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Merge posts', 'MERGE_POSTS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to merge the selected posts?', 'MERGE_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Using the form below you can merge selected posts into another topic. These posts will not be reordered and will appear as if the users posted them to the new topic.<br />Please enter the destination topic id or click on “Select topic” to search for one.', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'MERGE_POSTS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to move the selected posts?', 'MERGE_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Using the form below you can move selected posts into another topic. The posts will be split from this topic and merged into the other topic. These posts will not be reordered and will appear as if the users posted them to the new topic.<br />Please enter the destination topic id or click on “Select topic” to search for one.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/memberlist.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 114 'REAL_NAME' => 'Recipient name', 'RECIPIENT' => 'Recipient', 'REMOVE_FOE' => 'Remove foe', 'REMOVE_FRIEND' => 'Remove friend', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 119 'SEARCH_USER_POSTS' => 'Search user’s posts', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # Just remove/delete the lines (replacing with an empty line) # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 128 'SORT_EMAIL' => 'E-mail', 'SORT_LAST_ACTIVE' => 'Last active', 'SORT_POST_COUNT' => 'Post count', 'USERNAME_BEGINS_WITH' => 'Username begins with', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 133 'USER_ADMIN' => 'Administrate user', # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]--------------------------------------------- # 'USER_ADMIN' => 'Administer user', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/search.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 52 'JUMP_TO_POST' => 'Jump to post', 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_EGOSEARCH' => 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view your own posts.', 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_UNREADSEARCH'=> 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view your unread posts.', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_NEWPOSTS' => 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view new posts since your last visit.', # #-----[ OPEN ]--------------------------------------------- # language/en/ucp.php # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 117 'CANNOT_MOVE_FROM_SPECIAL' => 'Messages cannot be moved from the outbox.', 'CANNOT_RENAME_FOLDER' => 'This folder cannot be renamed.', 'CANNOT_REMOVE_FOLDER' => 'This folder cannot be removed.', 'CHANGE_DEFAULT_GROUP' => 'Change default group', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'Change password', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'CLICK_GOTO_FOLDER' => '%1$sGo to your “%3$s” folder%2$s', # #-----[ FIND ]--------------------------------------------- # Around Line 193 'FIELD_TOO_LARGE' => 'The value of “%1$s” is too large, a maximum value of %2$d is allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_NUMBERS_ONLY' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only numbers are allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_ONLY' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only alphanumeric characters are allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_SPACERS_ONLY' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only alphanumeric, space or -+_[] characters are allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_DATE' => 'The field “%s” has an invalid date.', # #-----[ AFTER, ADD ]--------------------------------------------- # 'FIELD_INVALID_VALUE' => 'The field “%s” has an invalid value.', # #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------ # # EoM
Code: Select all
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php index 753decd..556ad21 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/board.php @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'SITE_NAME' => 'Site name', 'SYSTEM_DST' => 'Enable Summer Time/<abbr title="Daylight Saving Time">DST</abbr>', 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE' => 'Guest timezone', - 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN' => 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in user control panel.', + 'SYSTEM_TIMEZONE_EXPLAIN' => 'Timezone to use for displaying times to users who are not logged in (guests, bots). Logged in users set their timezone during registration and can change it in their user control panel.', 'WARNINGS_EXPIRE' => 'Warning duration', 'WARNINGS_EXPIRE_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of days that will elapse before the warning will automatically expire from a user’s record.', )); @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'ALLOW_POST_FLASH_EXPLAIN' => 'If disallowed the <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag is disabled in posts. Otherwise the permission system controls which users can use the <code>[FLASH]</code> BBCode tag.', 'BUMP_INTERVAL' => 'Bump interval', - 'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump this topic. Setting the value to 0 disables this feature.', + 'BUMP_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Number of minutes, hours or days between the last post to a topic and the ability to bump that topic. Setting the value to 0 disables bumping entirely.', 'CHAR_LIMIT' => 'Maximum characters per post/message', 'CHAR_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'The number of characters allowed within a post/private message. Set to 0 for unlimited characters.', 'DELETE_TIME' => 'Limit deleting time', @@ -208,16 +208,16 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'ACP_REGISTER_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you are able to define registration and profile related settings.', 'ACC_ACTIVATION' => 'Account activation', - 'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations.', + 'ACC_ACTIVATION_EXPLAIN' => 'This determines whether users have immediate access to the board or if confirmation is required. You can also completely disable new registrations. “Board-wide e-mail” must be enabled in order to use user or admin activation.', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT' => 'New member post limit', 'NEW_MEMBER_POST_LIMIT_EXPLAIN' => 'New members are within the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group until they reach this number of posts. You can use this group to keep them from using the PM system or to review their posts. <strong>A value of 0 disables this feature.</strong>', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT' => 'Set Newly Registered Users group to default', 'NEW_MEMBER_GROUP_DEFAULT_EXPLAIN' => 'If set to yes, and a new member post limit is specified, newly registered users will not only be put into the <em>Newly Registered Users</em> group, but this group will also be their default one. This may come in handy if you want to assign a group default rank and/or avatar the user then inherits.', - 'ACC_ADMIN' => 'By Admin', - 'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable', - 'ACC_NONE' => 'None', - 'ACC_USER' => 'By User', + 'ACC_ADMIN' => 'By admin', + 'ACC_DISABLE' => 'Disable registration', + 'ACC_NONE' => 'No activation (immediate access)', + 'ACC_USER' => 'By user (e-mail verification)', // 'ACC_USER_ADMIN' => 'User + Admin', 'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE' => 'Allow e-mail address re-use', 'ALLOW_EMAIL_REUSE_EXPLAIN' => 'Different users can register with the same e-mail address.', @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG' => 'Enable spambot countermeasures for registrations', 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REG_EXPLAIN' => 'Requires new users to pass the anti-spambot task to help prevent automated registrations.', 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH' => 'Allow users to refresh the anti-spambot task', - 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request a new anti-spambot task if they are unable to solve the currunt task during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.', + 'VISUAL_CONFIRM_REFRESH_EXPLAIN' => 'Allows users to request a new anti-spambot task if they are unable to solve the current task during registration. Some plugins might not support this option.', )); // Cookie Settings @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'LDAP_NO_EMAIL' => 'The specified e-mail attribute does not exist.', 'LDAP_NO_IDENTITY' => 'Could not find a login identity for %s.', 'LDAP_PASSWORD' => 'LDAP password', - 'LDAP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding. Else fill in the password for the above user. Required for Active Directory Servers.<br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.</em>', + 'LDAP_PASSWORD_EXPLAIN' => 'Leave blank to use anonymous binding, otherwise fill in the password for the above user. Required for Active Directory Servers.<br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> This password will be stored as plain text in the database, visible to everybody who can access your database or who can view this configuration page.</em>', 'LDAP_PORT' => 'LDAP server port', 'LDAP_PORT_EXPLAIN' => 'Optionally you can specify a port which should be used to connect to the LDAP server instead of the default port 389.', 'LDAP_SERVER' => 'LDAP server name', @@ -458,12 +458,18 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'FORM_TIME_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'The time a user has to submit a form. Use -1 to disable. Note that a form might become invalid if the session expires, regardless of this setting.', 'FORM_SID_GUESTS' => 'Tie forms to guest sessions', 'FORM_SID_GUESTS_EXPLAIN' => 'If enabled, the form token issued to guests will be session-exclusive. This can cause problems with some ISPs.', - 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID' => 'Validated <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', + 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID' => 'Validate <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', 'FORWARDED_FOR_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Sessions will only be continued if the sent <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header equals the one sent with the previous request. Bans will be checked against IPs in <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> too.', 'IP_VALID' => 'Session IP validation', 'IP_VALID_EXPLAIN' => 'Determines how much of the users IP is used to validate a session; <samp>All</samp> compares the complete address, <samp>A.B.C</samp> the first x.x.x, <samp>A.B</samp> the first x.x, <samp>None</samp> disables checking. On IPv6 addresses <samp>A.B.C</samp> compares the first 4 blocks and <samp>A.B</samp> the first 3 blocks.', - 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS' => 'Maximum number of login attempts', - 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPLAIN' => 'After this number of failed logins the user needs to additionally solve the anti-spambot task.', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_MAX' => 'Maximum number of login attempts per IP address', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_MAX_EXPLAIN' => 'The threshold of login attempts allowed from a single IP address before an anti-spambot task is triggered. Enter 0 to prevent the anti-spambot task from being triggered by IP addresses.', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME' => 'IP address login attempt expiration time', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_TIME_EXPLAIN' => 'Login attempts expire after this period, in seconds.', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_USE_FORWARDED' => 'Limit login attempts by <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> header', + 'IP_LOGIN_LIMIT_USE_FORWARDED_EXPLAIN' => 'Instead of limiting login attempts by IP address they are limited by <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> values. <br /><em><strong>Warning:</strong> Only enable this if you are operating a proxy server that sets <var>X_FORWARDED_FOR</var> to trustworthy values.</em>', + 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS' => 'Maximum number of login attempts per username', + 'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_EXPLAIN' => 'The number of login attempts allowed for a single account before the anti-spambot task is triggered. Enter 0 to prevent the anti-spambot task from being trigger for distinct user accounts.', 'NO_IP_VALIDATION' => 'None', 'NO_REF_VALIDATION' => 'None', 'PASSWORD_TYPE' => 'Password complexity', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php index 2c549f8..8c71e93 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/common.php @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'MOVE_UP' => 'Move up', 'NOTIFY' => 'Notification', - 'NO_ADMIN' => 'You are not authorised to administrate this board.', + 'NO_ADMIN' => 'You are not authorised to administer this board.', 'NO_EMAILS_DEFINED' => 'No valid e-mail addresses found.', 'NO_PASSWORD_SUPPLIED' => 'You need to enter your password to access the Administration Control Panel.', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php index 4427bff..38c9f19 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/email.php @@ -52,14 +52,16 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'SEND_TO_GROUP' => 'Send to group', 'SEND_TO_USERS' => 'Send to users', 'SEND_TO_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Entering names here will override any group selected above. Enter each username on a new line.', - + + 'MAIL_BANNED' => 'Mail banned users', + 'MAIL_BANNED_EXPLAIN' => 'When sending a mass e-mail to a group you can select here whether banned users will also receive the e-mail.', 'MAIL_HIGH_PRIORITY' => 'High', 'MAIL_LOW_PRIORITY' => 'Low', 'MAIL_NORMAL_PRIORITY' => 'Normal', 'MAIL_PRIORITY' => 'Mail priority', 'MASS_MESSAGE' => 'Your message', 'MASS_MESSAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'Please note that you may enter only plain text. All markup will be removed before sending.', - + 'NO_EMAIL_MESSAGE' => 'You must enter a message.', 'NO_EMAIL_SUBJECT' => 'You must specify a subject for your message.', )); diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php index e8c1a3c..3444b98 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/groups.php @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang)) // in a url you again do not need to specify an order e.g., 'Click %sHERE%s' is fine $lang = array_merge($lang, array( - 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'From this panel you can administrate all your usergroups. You can delete, create and edit existing groups. Furthermore, you may choose group leaders, toggle open/hidden/closed group status and set the group name and description.', + 'ACP_GROUPS_MANAGE_EXPLAIN' => 'From this panel you can administer all your usergroups. You can delete, create and edit existing groups. Furthermore, you may choose group leaders, toggle open/hidden/closed group status and set the group name and description.', 'ADD_USERS' => 'Add users', 'ADD_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can add new users to the group. You may select whether this group becomes the new default for the selected users. Additionally you can define them as group leaders. Please enter each username on a separate line.', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php index 443f4a3..9719287 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/posting.php @@ -168,8 +168,9 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'SMILIES_CONFIG' => 'Smiley configuration', 'SMILIES_DELETED' => 'The smiley has been removed successfully.', 'SMILIES_EDIT' => 'Edit smiley', - 'SMILIE_NO_CODE' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no code entered.', - 'SMILIE_NO_EMOTION' => 'The smilie “%s” was ignored, as there was no emotion entered.', + 'SMILIE_NO_CODE' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as there was no code entered.', + 'SMILIE_NO_EMOTION' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as there was no emotion entered.', + 'SMILIE_NO_FILE' => 'The smiley “%s” was ignored, as the file is missing.', 'SMILIES_NONE_EDITED' => 'No smilies were updated.', 'SMILIES_ONE_EDITED' => 'The smiley has been updated successfully.', 'SMILIES_EDITED' => 'The smilies have been updated successfully.', @@ -233,13 +234,13 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( // Disallow Usernames $lang = array_merge($lang, array( - 'ACP_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *. Please note that you will not be allowed to specify any username that has already been registered, you must first delete that name then disallow it.', + 'ACP_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can control usernames which will not be allowed to be used. Disallowed usernames are allowed to contain a wildcard character of *.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can disallow a username using the wildcard character * to match any character.', 'ADD_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Add a disallowed username', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_EXPLAIN' => 'You can remove a disallowed username by selecting the username from this list and clicking submit.', 'DELETE_DISALLOW_TITLE' => 'Remove a disallowed username', - 'DISALLOWED_ALREADY' => 'The name you entered could not be disallowed. It either already exists in the list, exists in the word censor list, or a matching username is present.', + 'DISALLOWED_ALREADY' => 'The name you entered is already disallowed.', 'DISALLOWED_DELETED' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully removed.', 'DISALLOW_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The disallowed username has been successfully added.', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php b/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php index f161a7e..8f65b3e 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/acp/styles.php @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'DELETE_IMAGESET' => 'Delete imageset', 'DELETE_IMAGESET_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected imageset from the database. Please note that there is no undo capability. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.', 'DELETE_STYLE' => 'Delete style', - 'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. You cannot remove all the style elements from here. These must be deleted individually via their respective forms. Take care when deleting styles, there is no undo facility.', + 'DELETE_STYLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected style. Take care in deleting styles, there is no undo capability.', 'DELETE_TEMPLATE' => 'Delete template', 'DELETE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can remove the selected template set from the database. Please note that there is no undo capability. It is recommended that you first export your set for possible future use.', 'DELETE_THEME' => 'Delete theme', @@ -285,11 +285,14 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'INSTALLED_TEMPLATE' => 'Installed templates', 'INSTALLED_THEME' => 'Installed themes', + 'KEEP_IMAGESET' => 'Keep "%s" imageset', + 'KEEP_TEMPLATE' => 'Keep "%s" template', + 'KEEP_THEME' => 'Keep "%s" theme', + 'LINE_SPACING' => 'Line spacing', 'LOCALISED_IMAGES' => 'Localised', 'LOCATION_DISABLED_EXPLAIN' => 'This setting is inherited and cannot be changed.', - 'NO_CLASS' => 'Cannot find class in stylesheet.', 'NO_IMAGESET' => 'Cannot find imageset on filesystem.', 'NO_IMAGE' => 'No image', @@ -322,6 +325,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'REPLACE_TEMPLATE_EXPLAIN' => 'This template set will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.', 'REPLACE_THEME' => 'Replace theme with', 'REPLACE_THEME_EXPLAIN' => 'This theme will replace the one you are deleting in any styles that use it.', + 'REPLACE_WITH_OPTION' => 'Replace with "%s"', 'REQUIRES_IMAGESET' => 'This style requires the %s imageset to be installed.', 'REQUIRES_TEMPLATE' => 'This style requires the %s template set to be installed.', 'REQUIRES_THEME' => 'This style requires the %s theme to be installed.', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php b/phpBB/language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php index 463bfff..9b2fb20 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/captcha_recaptcha.php @@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang)) $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'RECAPTCHA_LANG' => 'en', - 'RECAPTCHA_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'In order to use reCaptcha, you must create an account on <a href=""></a>.', + 'RECAPTCHA_NOT_AVAILABLE' => 'In order to use reCaptcha, you must create an account on <a href=""></a>.', 'CAPTCHA_RECAPTCHA' => 'reCaptcha', 'RECAPTCHA_INCORRECT' => 'The visual confirmation code you submitted was incorrect', 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC' => 'Public reCaptcha key', - 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Your public reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', + 'RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Your public reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE' => 'Private reCaptcha key', - 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Your private reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', + 'RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_EXPLAIN' => 'Your private reCaptcha key. Keys can be obtained on <a href=""></a>.', 'RECAPTCHA_EXPLAIN' => 'In an effort to prevent automatic submissions, we require that you enter both of the words displayed into the text field underneath.', )); diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/common.php b/phpBB/language/en/common.php index db60cbf..078a280 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/common.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/common.php @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'FORM_INVALID' => 'The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.', 'FORUM' => 'Forum', 'FORUMS' => 'Forums', - 'FORUMS_MARKED' => 'All forums have been marked read.', + 'FORUMS_MARKED' => 'The selected forums have been marked read.', 'FORUM_CAT' => 'Forum category', 'FORUM_INDEX' => 'Board index', 'FORUM_LINK' => 'Forum link', @@ -322,13 +322,14 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'MARK' => 'Mark', 'MARK_ALL' => 'Mark all', 'MARK_FORUMS_READ' => 'Mark forums read', + 'MARK_SUBFORUMS_READ' => 'Mark subforums read', 'MB' => 'MB', 'MIB' => 'MiB', 'MCP' => 'Moderator Control Panel', 'MEMBERLIST' => 'Members', 'MEMBERLIST_EXPLAIN' => 'View complete list of members', 'MERGE' => 'Merge', - 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Merge posts', + 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Move posts', 'MERGE_TOPIC' => 'Merge topic', 'MESSAGE' => 'Message', 'MESSAGES' => 'Messages', @@ -529,6 +530,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'SEARCH_TOPIC' => 'Search this topic…', 'SEARCH_UNANSWERED' => 'View unanswered posts', 'SEARCH_UNREAD' => 'View unread posts', + 'SEARCH_USER_POSTS' => 'Search user’s posts', 'SECONDS' => 'Seconds', 'SELECT' => 'Select', 'SELECT_ALL_CODE' => 'Select all', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/install.php b/phpBB/language/en/install.php index 14923e8..37147cc 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/install.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/install.php @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'DB_ERR_QUERY_FIRST_TABLE' => 'Error while executing <var>query_first</var>, %s (“%s”).', 'DB_ERR_SELECT' => 'Error while running <code>SELECT</code> query.', 'DB_HOST' => 'Database server hostname or DSN', - 'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. On PostgreSQL, use localhost to connect to the local server via UNIX domain socket and to connect via TCP.', + 'DB_HOST_EXPLAIN' => 'DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. On PostgreSQL, use localhost to connect to the local server via UNIX domain socket and to connect via TCP. For SQLite, enter the full path to your database file.', 'DB_NAME' => 'Database name', 'DB_PASSWORD' => 'Database password', 'DB_PORT' => 'Database server port', @@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'PHP_SETTINGS' => 'PHP version and settings', 'PHP_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN' => '<strong>Required</strong> - You must be running at least version 4.3.3 of PHP in order to install phpBB. If <var>safe mode</var> is displayed below your PHP installation is running in that mode. This will impose limitations on remote administration and similar features.', 'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT' => 'PHP setting <var>allow_url_fopen</var> is enabled', - 'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN' => '<strong>Optional</strong> - This setting is optional, however certain phpBB functions like off-site avatars will not work properly without it. ', + 'PHP_URL_FOPEN_SUPPORT_EXPLAIN' => '<strong>Optional</strong> - This setting is optional, however certain phpBB functions like off-site avatars will not work properly without it.', 'PHP_VERSION_REQD' => 'PHP version >= 4.3.3', 'POST_ID' => 'Post ID', 'PREFIX_FOUND' => 'A scan of your tables has shown a valid installation using <strong>%s</strong> as table prefix.', @@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( // Updater $lang = array_merge($lang, array( - 'ALL_FILES_UP_TO_DATE' => 'All files are up to date with the latest phpBB version. You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory! Please send us updated information about your server and board configurations from the <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">Send statistics</a> module in your ACP.', + 'ALL_FILES_UP_TO_DATE' => 'All files are up to date with the latest phpBB version. You should now <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login">login to your board</a> and check if everything is working fine. Do not forget to delete, rename or move your install directory! Please send us updated information about your server and board configurations from the <a href="../ucp.php?mode=login&redirect=adm/index.php%3Fi=send_statistics%26mode=send_statistics">Send statistics</a> module in your ACP.', 'ARCHIVE_FILE' => 'Source file within archive', 'BACK' => 'Back', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/mcp.php b/phpBB/language/en/mcp.php index fc1b8c8..d0bcec0 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/mcp.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/mcp.php @@ -209,9 +209,8 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'MCP_WARN_POST' => 'Warn for specific post', 'MCP_WARN_USER' => 'Warn user', - 'MERGE_POSTS' => 'Merge posts', - 'MERGE_POSTS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to merge the selected posts?', - 'MERGE_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Using the form below you can merge selected posts into another topic. These posts will not be reordered and will appear as if the users posted them to the new topic.<br />Please enter the destination topic id or click on “Select topic” to search for one.', + 'MERGE_POSTS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to move the selected posts?', + 'MERGE_TOPIC_EXPLAIN' => 'Using the form below you can move selected posts into another topic. The posts will be split from this topic and merged into the other topic. These posts will not be reordered and will appear as if the users posted them to the new topic.<br />Please enter the destination topic id or click on “Select topic” to search for one.', 'MERGE_TOPIC_ID' => 'Destination topic identification number', 'MERGE_TOPICS' => 'Merge topics', 'MERGE_TOPICS_CONFIRM' => 'Are you sure you want to merge the selected topics?', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/memberlist.php b/phpBB/language/en/memberlist.php index e7a9c6b..e71f9d6 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/memberlist.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/memberlist.php @@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'REMOVE_FOE' => 'Remove foe', 'REMOVE_FRIEND' => 'Remove friend', - 'SEARCH_USER_POSTS' => 'Search user’s posts', 'SELECT_MARKED' => 'Select marked', 'SELECT_SORT_METHOD' => 'Select sort method', 'SEND_AIM_MESSAGE' => 'Send AIM message', @@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'SORT_POST_COUNT' => 'Post count', 'USERNAME_BEGINS_WITH' => 'Username begins with', - 'USER_ADMIN' => 'Administrate user', + 'USER_ADMIN' => 'Administer user', 'USER_BAN' => 'Banning', 'USER_FORUM' => 'User statistics', 'USER_LAST_REMINDED' => array( diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/search.php b/phpBB/language/en/search.php index d93fe6b..cd38cd6 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/search.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/search.php @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_EGOSEARCH' => 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view your own posts.', 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_UNREADSEARCH'=> 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view your unread posts.', + 'LOGIN_EXPLAIN_NEWPOSTS' => 'The board requires you to be registered and logged in to view new posts since your last visit.', 'MAX_NUM_SEARCH_KEYWORDS_REFINE' => 'You specified too many words to search for. Please do not enter more than %1$d words.', diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/ucp.php b/phpBB/language/en/ucp.php index 02b8a28..c1e3c06 100644 --- a/phpBB/language/en/ucp.php +++ b/phpBB/language/en/ucp.php @@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'CANNOT_REMOVE_FOLDER' => 'This folder cannot be removed.', 'CHANGE_DEFAULT_GROUP' => 'Change default group', 'CHANGE_PASSWORD' => 'Change password', + 'CLICK_GOTO_FOLDER' => '%1$sGo to your “%3$s” folder%2$s', 'CLICK_RETURN_FOLDER' => '%1$sReturn to your “%3$s” folder%2$s', 'CONFIRMATION' => 'Confirmation of registration', 'CONFIRM_CHANGES' => 'Confirm changes', @@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ $lang = array_merge($lang, array( 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_ALPHA_ONLY' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only alphanumeric characters are allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_CHARS_SPACERS_ONLY' => 'The field “%s” has invalid characters, only alphanumeric, space or -+_[] characters are allowed.', 'FIELD_INVALID_DATE' => 'The field “%s” has an invalid date.', + 'FIELD_INVALID_VALUE' => 'The field “%s” has an invalid value.', 'FOE_MESSAGE' => 'Message from foe', 'FOES_EXPLAIN' => 'Foes are users which will be ignored by default. Posts by these users will not be fully visible. Personal messages from foes are still permitted. Please note that you cannot ignore moderators or administrators.',
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
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Re: Releasing 3.0.9
- bantu
- 3.0 Release Manager
- Posts: 557
- Joined: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:22 am
- Location: Karlsruhe, Germany
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