[RFC|Merged] Delete "Confirm e-mail address"

These requests for comments/change have lead to an implemented feature that has been successfully merged into the 3.1/Ascraeus branch. Everything listed in this forum will be available in phpBB 3.1.
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[RFC|Merged] Delete "Confirm e-mail address"

Post by Oleg »

The registration form currently requires email address to be entered twice.

The confirmation field makes sense for passwords, because users do not see them as they enter them. Email addresses are displayed as they are entered and can be checked by visual inspection.

The proposal is to remove email address confirmation field.

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Sierron »


You could make more mistakes while entering your e-mail the second time :D

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Vinny »

Sierron wrote:You could make more mistakes while entering your e-mail the second time :D
When in a hurry, I forget the confirmation field and put the password by mistake. :lol:

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Ger »

Actually, I think the double-check for emailadresses makes sense. One can easily make a typo when entering an e-mail adress and then the registration fails since most boards require email activation. On submit there is no way back and the user can't register again with the same username.
Above message may contain errors in grammar, spelling or wrongly chosen words. This is because I'm not a native speaker. My apologies in advance.

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Oleg »

Ger wrote:Actually, I think the double-check for emailadresses makes sense. One can easily make a typo when entering an e-mail adress and then the registration fails since most boards require email activation. On submit there is no way back and the user can't register again with the same username.
I think the proper solution to this is to allow a user to login and change their email address even if their account is not activated, or automatically remove unactivated accounts.

If a user copy-pastes their email address and makes a typo, they would still have this problem. Same if for whatever reason the email does not get delivered.

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Sierron »

nn- wrote:If a user copy-pastes their email address and makes a typo, they would still have this problem. Same if for whatever reason the email does not get delivered.
Of if you have it saved, like in Opera, and just need to press the first letter to get a list of e-mails. Then it's quite annoying to need to insert it twice.

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by DavidIQ »

:shock: All I can say is "why?" The point of the e-mail verification field is so you don't lose your account because you miss-typed your email, something that is greatly prevented right now. You really want or expect administrators to have to deal with the onslaught of users that entered a wrong letter into the email address field and now want their email corrected because they registered with their favorite username and want to use it? Or do you just expect them to register another account? Most users would probably go look for another forum or site. And why change it now? Have you actually looked through support topics or MODs and found a lot of people asking for this field to be removed to base this RFC on (which is what should really spur these RFCs to begin with)?
nn- wrote:I think the proper solution to this is to allow a user to login and change their email address even if their account is not activated, or automatically remove unactivated accounts.
So the proposed solution is to auto-purge inactive accounts? That all on its own sounds terrible. Also letting them sign in even if the account is not activated sounds like a good way to attract more spamming, which we don't really need.
nn- wrote:If a user copy-pastes their email address and makes a typo, they would still have this problem. Same if for whatever reason the email does not get delivered.
That just proves the point of why this isn't a good idea. If they are already able to make these mistakes then why add more points of failure?

P.S. shouldn't this have been in the 3.2 RFC forum? I was pretty sure the RFC phase for 3.1 has already passed.

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Sierron »

DavidIQ wrote:That just proves the point of why this isn't a good idea. If they are already able to make these mistakes then why add more points of failure?
But does it make a difference if you paste your e-mail in one field or two fields? It would be still wrong and if you paste it twice, then phpBB3 will not throw out an error, because field 1 == field 2 (even if the e-mail is wrong).

Couldn't the registration page do a check against the mailserver the e-mail is from?

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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by nickvergessen »

Sierron wrote:
DavidIQ wrote:That just proves the point of why this isn't a good idea. If they are already able to make these mistakes then why add more points of failure?
But does it make a difference if you paste your e-mail in one field or two fields? It would be still wrong and if you paste it twice, then phpBB3 will not throw out an error, because field 1 == field 2 (even if the e-mail is wrong).

Couldn't the registration page do a check against the mailserver the e-mail is from?
You could mistype your email but correctly type the email of another email-account...

-1 from me aswell, I don't see much sense in removing the confirmation.
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Re: [RFC] Delete "Confirm e-mail address" from registration

Post by Oleg »

Let's suppose that I want a particular username on some site. When I am registering, do I:

1. Double check my email address to make sure it is correct, or
2. Pay no attention to what I enter in the form?

It does not make much sense to me to cater to people who want a particular username but cannot be bothered to spend a few seconds reading back the email address they entered, at the expense of wasting the time of everyone who actually does check that what they enter (or don't care to register again).

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