I've been playing with something so I can demonstrate how I think the OOP phpBB as far as displaying and hooking into those displays.
By displaying I mean anything from posts, to profiles, to profile fields.
If everything is an (object) array coming from the database it will be a whole lot easier to handle.
So here we go, (This code is just a very quick example, I am by no means considering this completed or clean)
I didn't want to post the code as it is 100 lines so http://topdown.pastebin.com/XTCaLu4c
Keep in mind, that is just an example
Using this
Code: Select all
$test = new content_hook();
echo $test->filter(array('add' => 'Adding new content to the post.<br />'));
echo '<br />';
echo $test->filter(array('add' => 'Adding new content to the post.<br />'), 'post_title');
echo '<br />';
echo $test->filter(array('add' => 'Adding new content to the post.<br />'), 'content');
echo '<br />';
echo $test->filter(array('add' => 'Adding new content to the post.<br />'), 'post_footer');
Code: Select all
Adding new content to the post.
Post title
Some post content
Post signature
Post title
Adding new content to the post.
Some post content
Post signature
Post title
Some post content
Adding new content to the post.
Post signature
Post title
Some post content
Post signature
Adding new content to the post.
Something like this process should be used on anything that is displayed and with some geniuses behind the code such as the dev team
Just my thoughts.